Hairy story

Mar 30, 2021 21:57

Because I seem to spend half my working life in Teams meetings at the moment, a couple of the girls have mentioned how long my hair is at the moment.  And it's true, my hair is longer at the moment than it's ever been since I got married almost 27 years ago.

I was telling them that I've been giving my hair some thought, because taking the whole weight loss thing into account, I'm kind of thinking of a 'new me new look' kind of approach, and growing my hair out long, or at least, long-ish, maybe shoulder length.  I have a hairdressers appointment in mid-April (the first weekend after our hairdressers are allowed to open), and I'm going to talk to my Hairdresser, Marc.  The thing is, my hair is really thick, it also has a natural wave.  Also, because it's now grey, it's quite wiry too.  Coupled with the fact that I have exactly zero skill and even less patience at hair styling, my previous - admittedly very rare - attempts at growing my hair long have been pretty laughably disastrous.  (I got it cut short about two months after our wedding because I was sick of it!)  So, I want Marc's advice.  How he can best layer it or do whatever technical, clever, choppy-choppy stuff he can do to give me the best chance of maintaining a barnet that doesn't make me look like Cousin It.

So, we shall see.  Anyway, the girls wanted to see a clearer photo of my hair, so I got Mr D to take this:

Then it got silly ...

silliness, facts about me

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