Meme-y stuff x 2

Sep 04, 2017 21:57

There are two memes on the go at the moment, and I've never been able to say no to a decent meme, so I'm going to have a daily go at each of them.

So, pilfered shamelessly from most of my F/list, here goes...

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extreme prettiness, facts about me, fangirl down, meme-y stuff, jensen

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Comments 18

amberdreams September 4 2017, 21:29:52 UTC
Both good choices...


dizzojay September 10 2017, 11:00:58 UTC
Thank you :)


deanshot September 4 2017, 23:24:30 UTC
That picture of Jensen is gorgeous.
I remember that song, it's very catchy.


dizzojay September 10 2017, 11:02:37 UTC
It is gorgeous, isn't it!
And I love ELO songs, they're so gloriously over the top, they're like an 'all you can eat' buffet for your ears!


fairyniamh September 5 2017, 04:35:48 UTC
Good choices, I had to giggle when GotG Vol. 2 popped up at the end of the video.


dizzojay September 10 2017, 11:03:18 UTC
That's the trouble with Youtube ids, you never know what adverts and trailers and stuff are going to be attached to them!


kattrip033 September 5 2017, 17:42:44 UTC
Excellent song choice. I feel like a bit of a dumbass for never realizing that was the name of that song.

She still has no real concept of what she unleashed upon the world!!!

(But Jensen knows ...) Excellent answer is excellent.


dizzojay September 10 2017, 11:05:24 UTC
Heehee, that's funny!
Poor Jensen, his life - and dignity - has never been the same since that fateful day ...


kattrip033 September 10 2017, 20:02:55 UTC

LOL. The poor thing.


sasha_dragon September 5 2017, 19:46:08 UTC
Great choice of song and I love that picture of Jensen.


dizzojay September 10 2017, 11:05:36 UTC
It's gorgeous isn't it!


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