Meme-y stuff x 2

Sep 04, 2017 21:57

There are two memes on the go at the moment, and I've never been able to say no to a decent meme, so I'm going to have a daily go at each of them.

So, pilfered shamelessly from most of my F/list, here goes...

A song I like with a colour in the title:

Lots of options here, but I'm going from this classic from ELO.  Who can resist a bit of gloriously over the top ELO, and Mr Blue Skies ...

image Click to view

What season did you start watching supernatural?

The first season of Spn I saw was season 1, but I didn't see it until Christmas Day 2009, because a friend bought me the season 1 box set for Christmas that year.  She still has no real concept of what she unleashed upon the world!!!

(But Jensen knows ...)

extreme prettiness, facts about me, fangirl down, meme-y stuff, jensen

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