A Parisienne adventure

Jun 11, 2024 19:21

Another image heavy post!

My final convention of the year was in la belle Francais; Paris to be precise and it was a Darklight convention.  I've done Darklight cons before but this was a special one as the J's were attending, so it was much bigger than any previous convention.  It was also at a different location, some kind of function centre rather than a hotel, and way out of town, so a bit of a pain in the proverbial to get to!

Anyhoo.  I travelled by Eurostar along with amberdreams and our non-Lj friends Natalie and Chris.  In Paris, we met up with Wendy and dean_hugs_sammy.  We were going to be joined on the Sunday by stellamira, so our little gang was, at least in part, back together.

The Saturday was  promising to be the busiest day, so we got there relatively early to register and then we were let loose on the guests.  Photo ops were the order of the day.  Once again, my ability to think up fancy poses had abandoned me, but when I walked up to Jensen and he laughed out loud upon seeing me and opened his arms and saying 'get in here', I didn't need a fancy pose, I just went for a barnacle impression instead :D

I got a similar, typically Jared reception. although I think he might have actually broken my neck here!

Other photo ops with several of the other guests followed:

In the evening, after aitographs, and then a quick break to stuff down a burger, we all headed back to Rob's concert with special guest appearances from Richard Speight Jnr and Mark Sheppard on some little drum gadget!

It became very clear on the Sunday that there were going to be less people and so we were all expectng a more leisurely day.  However, it didn't quite work out like that!

My day started with a Jensen meet and greet, and he was charming and attentive as always.  He told us a lovely story about his daughter who texted him on the plane and answered his question 'wee' because 'that's how you say yes in French'.  He mentioned how his daughters are both Daddy's girls,  and someone asked him if he was a Mommy's boy.  He laughed and agreed totally that he was!

When it came to my turn to ask a question, I started by warning him that the whole Daddy's girl thing never goes away.  I told him that I was still a total Daddy's girl and I'm in my fifties, so to be prepared - he's got that for life!  He grinned and said he was really happy to hear that!

I asked him, in the context of Supernatural location tours, had he ever had the opportunity to visit the location of films or TV shows he loved?  He replied that he has - on a backlot in LA, he visited the pool where they filmed scenes from Jaws, and the house from Psycho!

We all had a private session booked for the afternoon.  It was billed as a private session with just 25 attendees, and all the guests (including the J's) were going to be able to interact with them and take selfies.  However, that morning, an email came though saying that there woud be no selfies allowed with the J's and Genevieve. The word on the ground was that it was due to the J's agent not reading the contracts properly. It was disappointing (I even brought a new phone case because I didn't want Jared and Jensen to see my shabby old bunny-nibbled phone case), but we thought at least we would get to interact with them.

In the end it turned out that they didn't come, and that was a real disappointment as we were led to believe they would be there.  Latterly, we heard that at the Saturday session, where the J's and Gen did go, some moron had grabbed Jared's bum, and thus it seems that one prat ruined it for everyone else.

But that said, we did get the chance to chat and have selfies with the guests who were there, and so that was greata fun and I'm still glad I got the opportunity to do it!

However, we had been financially recompensed earlier in the day with extra photo ops for Jared, Jensem and Genevieve, so we understand that the con organiser did what they could.  And extra J2 photos - what's not to like????

Of course, Sunday was also the day of my epic group photo!!!
Did I mention I love my photo :D

Here are a few shots of our little merry band, who I'm so privileged to share my con adventures with...

And in case there's any doubt that I'm an angel (and not the 'dick with wings' kind)

And a funny little aside, on the Eurostar home, I was seated next to a very nice French chap, who kindly helped me with my case.  He asked me if I had enjoyed myself in Paris and I mentioned I'd been to a convention.  He asked me of it was for work, and I began to explain.

"No, it was a fan convention with some of my friends.  There's this TV show called Supernatural and..."

His jaw dropped.


"Yes, that's right".

"That is my favourite TV show.  Were Jensen and Jared there?"

"Yes, they were."


He didn't even know Supernatural conventions were a thing!

We spent the entire two hour train journey talking Supernatural.  He admitted to having a man crush on Jensen, and I reassured him he's not alone!

Before we went our separate ways, I passed on details of the Darklight website so he can see when the Paris convention takes place next year, and so he may yet meet his boys!!

So that's the story of a weekend in la belle Francais, with les beaux boys!

darklightcon, happy dizzo

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