Fun and Larks in Dusseldorf

Jun 08, 2024 20:17

Warning: image heavy post!

The third of my four conventions this year was Purgatory 8 at Dusseldorf.  I travelled by Deutschebahn from Karlsruhe to Dusseldorf where the lovely herminekurotowa was kind enough to let me and stellamira stay with her for the duration of the con.

This was a massive year for Purgatory con, it was the first year that J2 had been there, and it turned out the be the biggest Spn convention that any of us, including J2, had ever been to.  On the Saturday there were 2,700 attendees.

As well as the human guests, there was one very special guest at the con, and she received lots of well-deserved attention, throughout the whole weekend.

All the guests were on great form and J2 seemed to be having the time off their lives!  Mark Sheppard was awesome as always and was talking about his near death experience late last year.  As he wandered around the room during his panell, much to the delight of all us attendees, he nearly gave his security guards a near death experience - they clearly weren't used to his wanderings!

It was the first con appearance for DJ and Ty since their wonderful news broke, and I spoke to them both to congratulate them.  DJ said that as no-one else would put up with either of them, it seemed like the right thing to do!

Jensen and Jared seemed really surprised and pleased to see me.  Jensen said to me 'what brings you all the way over here?' and I told him I just could'nt help myself!  I got a head thrown back, honest-to-goodness laugh for that one - that made my day!

I love my photos - although I wasn't feeling particularly imaginative, and didn't really think up any  fancy poses, I got some lovely smiles from all the guests - including a wry smirk from Mark Sheppard - which constitutes a lovely smile for him XD  I especially love my photos wth Jensen - he's positively beaming, and therefore - so am I!

Ty was really, really enjoying his pen! XD

So fun times were had by all.  I flew home from Germany on the Monday, tired and footsore, but very happy.  I then had a three day turnaround time (all of which I was working) before I left for Paris on Friday!!!


purgatory con, happy dizzo

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