Nablopomo 2023 - Day 19 and 20

Nov 23, 2023 20:39

Day 19 - List FIVE of your TEN BEST things!

I'm kind of thinking I listed 5 good things yesterday, so I'm not sure I have another five to list, so I'm just going to say that Mr D and I are going to London on Saturday to participate in this:

It's our Christmas present to each other and we've been looking forward to it for six months, I can't wait!!!

So yeah, that's one of the best things right now! :D

Day 20 - Share a random thought.

I was doing some cleaning in the house the other day and I randomly remembered how much I used to love using Brasso (metal polish) to polish brass when I was a kid. I don't know why exactly, because I hate cleaning generally, but I just used to enjoy the process of applying the metal polish to a dull surface, then rubbing it in, seeing all the tarnish coming off and buffing the brass up and seeing how lovely and shiny it got.   I haven't done it for years and years because we don't have any brass - or so I thought.  I had forgotten Barry has an antique fireman's helmet from New South Wales that's around 100+ years old.  He's had it since we went to Australia in 1997 and as far as I know he's never cleaned it because I was looking at it yesterday and it's really tarnished and dull.

So guess what I'll be doing on Sunday ...?? XD


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