Nablopomo 2023 - Day 18

Nov 22, 2023 20:57

Day 18 -  Take a minute or two and share five good/thankful things of today, uncut.

So, I'm always thankful for these two little ratbags.  I still think back to the night in November 2020 when I drunkenly exclaimed out of the blue that I wanted to have 'dinks' (my nickname for rabbits) again.  I'm thankful for the fact that Mr D was understanding enough to agree to me taking on 'dinks' and now I have these two little bundles of joy in my life, I love them to the moon and back fifty thousand times over.  And the best thing is Mr D who has gone from a passive observer to an unashamed bun-lover. He has seen first hand what intelligent, mischevious and engaging animals rabbits are, and the attitude they have.  He's not even ashamed to admit he loves those dinks even as much as I do!

Today I was at work, which proves that I have a job, so that is something to be thankful for.

I had a text from my Dad today which proves that he got over his health trials and tribulations of the last couple of years.  I'm going over to see him and my Mum in a month and I'm so thankful that his life was saved when things had gone horribly pear-shaped in early 2022.  He'll never run a marathon, but he's alive and he's functioning and I'm thankful for that.

I'm thankful that this gentleman is in the world.  There's a lot of ugliness in this world right now, and so it's like a tonic to see someone who's beautiful both inside and out!

I'm thankful that my gorgeous God-daughter, Amy, is over in the UK from New Zealand at the moment. She's been travelling around the UK and Europe for the last five months and she's coming over to us on Friday for the night.  I did see her back in July, but I was recovering from my eye surgery so couldn't drive and therefore we could only go for lunch in the village where I live.  This weekend I'm looking forward to taking her out for a proper dinner, and spending some real quality time with her.  She is an amazing young woman, and I am so very proud of her!


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