Aug 20, 2010 11:20
School's starting next week and I'm wondering where my summer's gone. This happens every summer, but throwing myself back into that same stressful routine never gets any easier. Most of my research for the summer has amounted to nada, but this new project should be promising. I just have to get the basic steps down first. Shouldn't be too tough, right? I mean, my first project came from a set of warm up experiments that didn't work properly, so you never know. XD
On the hobby front, I'm still writing and trying not to get too hung up about it. Word choice can keep me stuck for hours and I've been trying to tell myself not to obsess over it, because frustration kills inspiration. I know my patterns. Stressing over something that I'm supposed to be enjoying will kill any inspiration I had before dead. Super dead. But when it works, I'm thrilled to be able to get something done. It's interesting being able to tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end, because I usually never get that far.
Other than that, I just got my blood drawn this morning and I'm hoping the doctor won't make a comment on my cholesterol again. It's not bad, but I'm starting to think that bad cholesterol is just in my future, no matter how carefully I keep an eye on my diet.