At work, doing an okay job at photography but annoyed at my boss
saying i'm so sickly and to use the wipes we have over everything i've
touched. >_> Anyhoo, was checking Google News while uploading and saw
"Toilet cash mystery grips Japan"
People in Japan are
puzzling over who has been leaving envelopes with 10,000 yen ($82;
£40) bills in men's toilets across the country.
What's interesting is looking at three different news sources, they
sorta state different things, like one claiming general religion,
another specifying Buddhism, and another omitting that fact all
together. I also love how all the translations vary. XD When I get
home, maybe I'll look for a Japanese language newspaper and see how
it's worded.,,2124632,00.html I sorta agree with it being a rich toshihito who may be regretting his
life and wants others to enjoy it without worrying about money. I
think it's nice, and it kinda reminds me of that old man in Tokyo
Godfathers, when he gives up the lottery ticket.
Some food for thought, ne?
ETA: love how sophisticated the language is in this article. XD Hmm, all
but one are UK sourced... Wonder if any American papers have a good
article on it.