of boring lifestuffs

Jul 11, 2007 20:40

So for the past few days, I've been really sick. Before that, Work has really been wearing me out. Not that we've been busy, though I know that I'll be swamped tomorrow, but being there from 10 am to 7pm is draining. Other than catching up on Flist, reading some great fics, I haven't even thought of writing and fulfilling my fandom obligations, so gomen ne minna. Really don't want to go to wont tomorrow... Rather go and see how dreadful OotP Is. Even if it is, l'll cling onto the Snape scenes and Harmony moments. XD

off to drop my mom & grandma to the airport now! they're going to Dallas for an Herbalife convention. sorry for the boring post.

personal: health, personal: daily, !personal

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