A Long Time Coming...

Mar 12, 2010 00:25

So yeah, I hadn't exactly disappeared but at the same time haven't been around... ^^;; *hugs flist* I've kept up on reading though only commented a few times. Just wanted to let y'all know that you're being read. So a summary of what's been going on in bulletpoint format.

* As part of the GA/PAES thing to get some type of cash flow, I've been volunteering weekly at Project Open Hand in the Grocery department. It's been fun, great people there.

* Got through most of the initial program, recently found out that i've been underselling myself at jobs and applying too low. most retail won't take me cause i'm simply too overqualified. gotta think bigger and grander.

* Lil over a month ago, grandma fell and fractured her foot and a rib and for two weeks straight was in and out of the hospital. she's doing well now, but for the past month i've taken over cooking the meals and while i do like cooking, realize i could never be a true stay at home wife. thinking up of food to make is HARD lol. but it's been fun when i don't have to do dishes. XD

* Also a little over a month ago, found out what was wrong with my body in terms of having regular periods. I have an Insulin blocker deficiency and while not there just yet, am bordeline to becoming diabetic. so if i learn to eat a bit better and exercise more, can get it fix. naturally whenever you're told not to do something you do it. for a while i binged on chips, more so than i normally eat than any given year lol.

*i'm trying to watch what i eat, with taking over cooking i'm better at it but it'll be long... now just need to find motivation to become more active

*Star Trek fandom has kinda taken over me, mainly kirk/mccoy. still love hp and will always love snupin (damned bunnies just now have plot tribbles to keep 'em company) and hoping to get a bit more active again. Just been in a funk overall for a bit and threw myself into new online friends for a bit while i figured things out.

*been addicted to RPing lol... Lore warned me about it but yeah it's too much fun haha. I think a positive though is that I'm writing every day and slowly but surely helps me work on my other wips.

*with new online friends i learned more about myself and come to terms with a few things. have admited this to my two irl friends that i speak to mainly and one gets it while the other's confused. but he sees things more black and white. you're either gay, straight, or bi and no in between which is just silly.

*promise to try and be more active in journaling as really, it's my only connection to people at the moment (most of my irl friends are busy working and having lives and while i do see a few of them a couple times a month if i'm lucky, it's not enough)

*this means more memes for a while

*trying to get my damned portfolio site done so i can apply to better jobs relating to graphic design or web work. don't know why i've stalled on it. =/

*still active in twitter(@dianamoon) (depends on the day lol) so always willing to interact via that way if not on aim/gchat/y!m/msn XD... promise to get back into IRC soon.

*Love you all and hope you all are doing well~! <3

personal: health, personal: family, personal: rambling, fandom: star trek, personal: news, personal: friends, !personal

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