I've been having a fucking bad few days. Nothing wrong happened to me. Just my mood and emotions.
Aim Conversation:
xDianaMoonx: yo
ElN: yo! how goes it?
xDianaMoonx: ...
ElN: ...? ^^;
... *sigh* I missed something, didn't I? gomen...
xDianaMoonx: nothing... just been in a bad mood all day. been feeling really underapreciated and uncared for by friends past few days
ElN: I see... *hug?* eh-heh... sorry if I gave off them vibes, seriously! ^^;
xDianaMoonx: oh it's not only you, it's everyone
ElN: still was part o' the problem, though, wasn't I....
xDianaMoonx: and i'm kinda frustrated with friends in relationships =/ well one particular pair of friends (not u XP)
ElN: mmm... I can kinda relate to that....
xDianaMoonx: and i don't really have anyone to fucking talk about it that knows all about it cause the ones that do are either in a relationship or would simply say "i'm jealous" or not help me productively
ElN: lemme guess. they're kinda ignoring their other friends as they get more involved with each other...?
xDianaMoonx: no just me.
xDianaMoonx: i mean yeah it's a new ship but wtf... she's willing to hang out with her bf and HIS fucking friend
xDianaMoonx: she talks to his friend more than me. and HE (ie the BF) doesn't talk to me anymore. only time he IMs me is like asking for an anime ep or if i have a mp3
ElN: .... that's just wrong. wth.
xDianaMoonx: I'm fucking seriously out of the loop with practically everything. It's like who the fuck would I spill to? i have NO other friends!
xDianaMoonx: i mean the three friends at City I rarely see/talk to outside of class
xDianaMoonx: somehow i'm getting the paranoid feeling that it's cause i've never had any fucking relationshp that they don't talk to me. (they meaning not just those two but another friend of mine too) -___-
ElN: (edited for privacy) I don't think it's due to never having a relationship before...
ElN: yay for friends, but siiiigh for friends, too... ^^;
I'm keeping this entry public cause there really is only ONE person that would guess at whom I'm talking about and I fucking doubts he reads my LJ. And if he does, dude, talk to me about it and no one else. I'm keeping my trust that like the thing that happened in LA was between the two of us and no one else. And hell, it's my journal, i'm allowed to vent whatever paranoid delusions that I create.
So yes... and GRR.