A friend of mine has been running a most delightful old World of Darkness campaign on game nights and I have been having lots of fun. He had us build two characters each, as he expected to have to kill us all off for one reason or another at some point... if we do something incredibly stupid. In our group, extreme acts of stupid are fairly common.
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It is awesome though, and the game is silly and fast. A good thing to have in a bag or on a desk at work for those times when you're stuck waiting around or your code is compiling. :-P
Munchkin is such an awesome game. It's entertaining to me how I can get my brother to sit down and play, and there's just enough strategy to it that he doesn't automagically win with his shit house luck. :D
I don't have a copy of Apples to Apples myself, but I have played it once. Michael Jackson became the joke answer of the night after I got stuck with him in my hand, and played him on something odd. We play a lot of Settlers of Catan, and Tichu on game night. We haven't been getting as many RPG sessions in lately, which makes me sad. We'd been overdosing on Battlestations, but most of the group has been getting pretty tired of it, so it's tapered off lately.
And Apples to Apples is the perfect game for inside jokes among friends, or for playing with people you hardly know and breaking the ice. Great for conventions, especially after a few rounds of my punch.
Catan isn't really a favorite of mine, but I can do okayish playing with the group if that's what everyone else wants to play. I really like Formula De, or Formula D if it's the domestic version of the game. That one's really fun, especially when someone gets crazy and rolls the really big die for the highest gear. ^_^ The street racing rules are pretty fun too, your character has a special power that can fuck with other people.
I've seen the d20s with the pips, and the roman numral d6s. I've got some fun dice in my bag too, one that'll randomly pick weather for me... and I really should have bought the one that had the little pictures of a person with a different impact point on the body for each face. That die actually made for a lot of fun at a Changeling game I played in at KublaCon, as the Storyteller for the game had one. <3
So, at KublaCon, there are winners pins for each event, and at the RPG events, it tends to be entirely arbitrary on how they're given out. So, we're all settling in for the game, and the Storyteller tosses ( ... )
I also have dice for drinking games, dice for sexual positions, and dice for choosing the toppings for pizza.
I'm pretty sure that had someone done something insanely stupid, in an intentional way that did not forward the story, the GM would have either made sure they lived through it, or not let them have the pin.
I have some sex dice too. Mine are a pair of d8s and a d6. :D
I recently got my hands on the Call of Cthulhu books, but I haven't found anyone who wants to play with me yet. Hopefully I'll work that out soon.
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