A friend of mine has been running a most delightful old World of Darkness campaign on game nights and I have been having lots of fun. He had us build two characters each, as he expected to have to kill us all off for one reason or another at some point... if we do something incredibly stupid. In our group, extreme acts of stupid are fairly common.
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Catan isn't really a favorite of mine, but I can do okayish playing with the group if that's what everyone else wants to play. I really like Formula De, or Formula D if it's the domestic version of the game. That one's really fun, especially when someone gets crazy and rolls the really big die for the highest gear. ^_^ The street racing rules are pretty fun too, your character has a special power that can fuck with other people.
I've seen the d20s with the pips, and the roman numral d6s. I've got some fun dice in my bag too, one that'll randomly pick weather for me... and I really should have bought the one that had the little pictures of a person with a different impact point on the body for each face. That die actually made for a lot of fun at a Changeling game I played in at KublaCon, as the Storyteller for the game had one. <3
So, at KublaCon, there are winners pins for each event, and at the RPG events, it tends to be entirely arbitrary on how they're given out. So, we're all settling in for the game, and the Storyteller tosses the winner's pin into the middle of the table and announces it's for the first death in the session. We all look at each other, as I don't believe anyone had actually played a game with him before, and someone asks if he means player death or NPC, which he quickly clarifies he meant PC. Well, we get into the session, things are rolling along well enough, and we start getting to the main event. We're at this music competition that the local Vampire prince asked us to watch over a human girl who was participating in it, and one of our PC's is harboring a serious man-crush on the generic eastern-European thug the Prince had made available to us if things went too far south.
Well, PC approaches the thug, and starts trying to chat him up. The thug proceeds to tell the PC to shut up, he's listening to the pretty girl sing. Well, PC continues to push for small talk... so thug proceeds to order PC to go play tag in traffic. He does so with the help of a very very nice dominate roll. So PC turns on heel, marches outside, and goes to play tag in traffic. But it gets better. So, PC runs out, successfully tags a car, and has fulfilled what he is commanded to do. But then he gets hit by a passing car. Nailed in the head, as decided by one of those body damage dice mentioned above. So Storyteller rolls a die to see if anyone stops to assist our PC, as perhaps maybe he could make a recovery in the hospital if someone gets him there quickly. Yeah, no dice. So he rolls a d100 to see how big the next vehicle to run the PC over is. Where 100 represented the biggest thing that could possibly come rolling down the road, it comes up a 90-something, a high 90-something. So dude gets run over by one of those huge ass double level tourist buses. Dude so got the winner pin.
However, the tale of the die does not end there. We had another pre-gen character laying on the table that hadn't been picked up at the start of the game, so we let the player start running her instead. He jumps in, we ignore that we're in the middle of all the crazy shit and just act as if it's perfectly normal for someone to show up in the middle of the action and get involved as if they know what's going on already. So we get to our next combat. Dude gets shot by friendly fire, in the crotch, due to the die. He had to sit out the rest of the game as there was not another character ready to go for him to take over.
I also have dice for drinking games, dice for sexual positions, and dice for choosing the toppings for pizza.
I'm pretty sure that had someone done something insanely stupid, in an intentional way that did not forward the story, the GM would have either made sure they lived through it, or not let them have the pin.
I have some sex dice too. Mine are a pair of d8s and a d6. :D
I recently got my hands on the Call of Cthulhu books, but I haven't found anyone who wants to play with me yet. Hopefully I'll work that out soon.
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