Super Dork Time. I need a lock for my new job, so I can keep a locker in the backroom for my stuff while on and off duty. So I dug out my combo locks from my time at Chabot and their art department, though I couldn't find one of them. One of the locks is a very pretty purple one from Master Lock, and while looking at it right now I noticed there was a number on the back, I would assume a serial number. So I googled it. Nothing came up that way, so I just found Master Lock's website. On the front page, they had something that caught my attention,
they sell locks that are bump resistant.
I'd read about lock bumping originally almost a year ago now, and paranoid me, I was worried about it. Being in a rental, it's not something I can change locks over, but it still worried me. So it made me happy that Master Lock is addressing this problem that I'd been given the impression that most lock manufactures had either been unaware of or ignoring.
I'm probably taking the ugly off-brand green lock to work just because they require me to share the combo with someone so they can easily check lockers at any time. Security stuff I assume, and frankly I don't care since it is their locker space I'd be using. I just don't want my pretty purple lock to be less secure due to having to share the combo. Also, it seems most people just get a store used lock, so unless there's something explicitly outlined, my lock may get mixed up for a store used lock, and who knows what would happen then. I don't care about the ugly green lock, so if they keep it, no big.
I might bring in some caution tape to wrap around the door of my locker to make it quicker and easier for me to identify it. Caution tape is my friend.