Hello ladies! I posted here awhile ago about a contest I ran for a free
Lunapads sampler pack at my blog,
Well, I am now running
another contest for this great comic called
Greenblooded: An Introduction to Eco-Friendly Feminine Hygiene by Cathy Leamy. If you have ever wanted a cute but informative way to explain to someone why you're a cloth pad or menstrual cup user, or were looking for a helpful introduction to the subject for a friend, this comic is perfect! If you don't win, I highly recommend
purchasing one for yourself anyway - at only $2, they're an absolute steal!
All you need to do to enter is
post a one-word reason for why you’re interested in, considering switching to, or are already a user of reusable menstrual products before January 23, 2010. Five entries will be randomly selected to win and results will be posted on January 24th!
Click here to enter!