(no subject)

Aug 12, 2005 22:21

You Know You're From Tennessee When...

You've never met any celebrities....other than Fred Thompson

"Vacation" means going to the family reunion.

You know all 4 seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, Still Summer and Christmas.

You laugh when people from anywhere north of TN tries to say or spell "y'all"

It's "Mar-vull" not "Mary-ville"

It's "Knox-vull" not "Knox-ville"

A tabogan is a hat, not a sled.

You butter your hot biscuit by cutting it open, putting a slab of butter inside and closing it back up again.

Every town in East Tennesse has a "strip" and they're not particularly safe to be in at night.

Pigeon Forge is not pronounced with a French accent.

Gatlinburg does have an "L" in it and it should be pronounced.

Sales tax is 9.5%.

You shop at Walmart for groceries, not at a grocery store.

You don't drive in Knoxville on game-day. EVER.

You or your friends chew.

You can't remember the last time you saw snow.

You have a "piss on" sticker on your car window

You know when Elvis Presley Day is

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Tennessee.

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This was too funny! Actually, I do not have the sticker they are talking about, but I do have a decal with a massive whitetail rack on it that says "rackaholic"...LOL.

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