Feb 22, 2007 20:29
Does that mean 8's the new 20? I ended up subbing for a class full of 8 year olds today (3rd graders for those not in the know...or not wanting to do the math) at a school in south Stockton (though I'm a Manteca sub...whatev). I realize that "kids these days" seem to grow up so so fast. Especially when I realize that students in my class have the exact same model of cell phone as me. How does this happen? Why in the world would an 8 year old need a cell phone? Why in the world would parents buy their 8 year old a cell phone that (last time I checked) retailed at like 100 bucks?
We actually had quite a fun day though. I thought it wouldn't be very good since it was raining hardcore this morning and rain = indoor play = sad Tricia. During morning recess, we played Heads Up, Seven Up and during lunch recess they played whatever they wanted. Afternoon recess was my all-time favorite: silent ball! Finally by PE, we were able to play outside. We enjoyed a rousing game of Dodge Ball. The kids were super super loud, but most of them had such great personalities that I couldn't help but love them to pieces. I think a big part of that also stems from how much I truly loved the third grade. It is the first class I can really remember so many things from (not just the times I got in trouble lol). I do obviously remember still getting in trouble, but I also remember my first love (oh Brian...B+T=<3 fo sho...at least according to my shoe lol), the kid who shared his marbles with me, being obsessed with the Ninja Turtles, getting the lead in the school play (and I was the most amazing snowman the world had ever seen. My mom and grandparents were so proud), going to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and playing football with the 4th graders. I got to be the kicker.
So I totally failed my Med Micro exam, and my only consolation is that Amber failed more hardcore than me. Ok, so that's a joke, we actually both pretty much killed it. Because we rock like that. It's pretty amazing because for the most part, we make lots of smart aleck comments and spend most of the class talking to each other (about what's being discussed...we're always on topic) instead of paying rapt attention. Sorry Dr. Land, I love you to bits and pieces because you are my favorite professor like ever, but I just can't handle the whole "ok, left side of the room? Right side of the room? You four sitting in the front? Anyone who is not Amber or Tricia?" ordeal just to get a question answered. It's pretty funny, but also kind of driving me crazy. I'm sad we have a quiz tomorrow because I haven't actually studied, but maybe I can manage during CSI commercials.
Hey...look at that. For the second week in a row, I'm home in time to be watching CSI. Awesome!