(no subject)

May 28, 2008 15:12

a little less 16 candles, a little more touch me, 2006
the sacrifice of life; nothing is ever what it seems (bloopers)
travis / william, gabe / william, 2895 words (r)

blooper # 1 - sexy?

travis kisses him again and something in the way his lips linger makes william's entire body melt. he's tingling from his toes all the way to his fingertips, eyes closed and his lips curved in a sneaky smile. "travis," william croons, his words getting lost in the quiet moans that escape his lips. "i want you," he breathes, "you are handsome and sexy and i don't know if you can tell but i want you right now, i want to feel you inside me." they kiss desperately, harsh but sweet at the same time, and travis pulls william down, turns them around and laughs.

he says, "damn boy, you sexy too," and smacks william affectionately on his ass.

patrick yells, "excuse me?! cut!" just as william scoffs and hits travis in the arm. "is that in the script? can we stick to the script please?" he groans and tosses the papers in his hand aside, lazily saying, "take seven, and get it right this time, boys."

blooper # 2 - mind reading, like in harry potter

william takes a deep breath and stares at the floor. "i'm sorry," he whispers, then says it again loudly before gabe can claim he hasn't heard. "i'm sorry, i-- i don't know what happened." he starts to walk away, gets up one step before gabe grabs him by the wrist and pulls him back.

"i know what happened, william beckett," gabe shakes his head and narrows his eyes in a particularly comical way. "you were off having sex with that trollop, travis mccoy." william can't help it, he laughs just as patrick yells cut. gabe, however, stays in character, speaking dramatically and throwing his arms up, defeated. "don't think i didn't know!"

blooper # 3 - love at first sight

william lies down beside gabe and kisses the other side of his neck, wraps his arms around him and sighs. gabe turns on his side and pulls william in for a kiss. "you were my first," gabe says, sad but proud at the same time. "i used to-- i used to want it to be the three of us forever, you know? you have no idea how much i love you, william."

it's evident at this point that william's forgotten his line because he just smiles at gabe and starts to shake his head slowly, his eyebrows knitting together in an attempt to remember.

"i knew i had to have you the first time i saw you," gabe says, covering for him. "you were standing on the street corner waiting for your carriage. your bonnet was askew, your hair blowing in the wind. you looked so elegant and graceful. it was love at first sight."

leaning down to kiss him on the mouth, william smiles against gabe's wide grin. "when we do that scene later, i hope you choke on my dick and die."

"well," gabe sighs, kissing him back, (off screen, patrick has resorted to hiding his face in his hands and shaking his head) "at least i'll die happy."

blooper # 4 - thank you gifts

unravelling the ribbon from around the large basket, shaant grins and pulls the tissue paper down. "what the fuck is this?" he asks, quietly, looking up at jeff who shrugs his shoulders. "is this a mother fucking fruit basket?" jeff makes a face and shaant scoffs, "i told that little bitch to get me a cheese platter!"

blooper # 5 - "i'm fucking a vampire!"

travis says, "i'm fuckin a fuckin vampire." william starts to sigh but the act is interrupted by travis flinging himself down on the bed and groaning loudly. "i am fucking a fucking vampire!" he says again, his hands over his face. "this is ridiculous, what the fuck am i gonna do? what if you bite me or some shit, like by accident? you could kill me!" he sits up and grabs william by the shoulders, shaking him. "you drink blood, son, that shit is nasty! who wants to do that?"

william makes a noise something between a "huh?" and a "pete?" and travis sighs again, shaking his head. he stands up and paces the room, hands on head like ryan ross when he's thinking.

"what am i gonna do? i gotta get the fuck out of here, this is some fucked up shit right here. i can't deal with fuckin vampires and gettin bit and who the fuck are maja and gabe then, shit this is too much." travis glances around the room and decides, fuck it, grabs his wallet and keys from the dresser and takes off out of the room.

william sits alone on the bed, torn between surprise and confusion. "was he supposed to react like that?" he asks patrick, who shakes his head and sinks into his seat. it's going to be a long day.

blooper #6 - found out

"i need to use your phone," he says, and darts out of the room before travis even has time to answer. he calls shaant and says, frantically into the phone, "timothy, i need you to pick me up like, now!"

"oh, its not gonna do you any good," shaant sighs. "maja's here already, dude, she says she's gonna kill you."

blooper # 7 - william is dramatic pt. 1

"i'm not going anywhere, you moron." they lie together in silence until ryan can't take it any longer, forces william to open his eyes by scraping his teeth over william's jaw and laughs at the annoyed face he makes. "stop acting like a little bitch," he demands, and bill can't help but laugh.

blooper # 8 - rough sex?

he finally stops, breaks away so he can bite down on his own bottom lip to keep from moaning gabe's name too loud. gabe leans over and kisses him, the taste of his own blood in his mouth now, and before william can demand that gabe fuck him, he's yanking william's pants off with one hand, sliding down on the bed and sucking at the skin below his hip bone.

he glances up at william's writhing body and gets his attention by pinching his side. "if you come on my face i'll fucking bite your dick, i swear."

william laughs, gabe can feel it run all the way through him, and replies, "if you bite my dick, i'll come on your face, and i know you like that so shut up." patrick yells cut but gabe dips his head down and swipes his tongue over william's skin anyway.

blooper # 9 - pete is a freak

at first he keeps his eyes opened, watching william suck on his neck gently, tiny moans caught in his throat, the right parts of his body pressed into the small of pete's back, but then he closes them, tilts his head back and whispers, "don't stop."

william is drinking earnestly, his hands firm on pete's shoulders until pete takes one in his and moves it slowly down his body. "oh yeah," he moans, long and drawn out just as william jerks away from him and starts to laugh. from the bed, gabe is giggling, holding his hand over his mouth to keep himself from making too much noise but the scene is ruined anyway and patrick is shaking his head, not at all amused.

blooper # 10 - maja is a freak too

gabe presses his palm against maja's shoulder, fingers tight around her throat, almost lovingly. "william and i have burned villages to cover your tracks," he says, disgusted with her. "so when i tell you-- and i'm only going to tell you once-- when i tell you that pete is not a problem, you better fucking believe that pete is not a problem."

maja chuckles, bites her bottom lip and winks seductively at gabe. "this is kind of hot," she shrugs, "do you want to meet me later?"

even patrick laughs at that one.

blooper # 11 - girly attire

victoria turns to the side and raises an eyebrow at her profile. she pulls the hem of her dress up over her knees and looks down, but drops it right back down. on the bed, keltie and audrey look at her hopefully but she just turns around and shakes her head. "i look like a whore," she states. "fuck this shit, pete, write it out. i refuse to wear it."

blooper # 12 - william is dramatic pt. 2

"mother fucker stabbed me," he seethes, turns the hot water on and grabs a hand towel, dampening it. he throws the remnants of a once crisp white shirt into the sink violently. "ruined my fucking shirt, fucking circus freaks."

he doesn't even get a chance to continue his rant, because gabe coughs out something that sounds like a laugh and then it erupts. he smacks the counter and shakes his head at william who is now scowling. "i'm sorry," gabe smiles, reaching out to patronizingly tuck a strand of hair behind william's ear. "you're just such a dramatic bitch sometimes."

blooper # 13 - but gabe says everything like a slut

gabe nods at her, opens his mouth to ask a question, but she already knows what it is. "i just talked to ryan," she says, "went down the chain of command since you and william were busy," she smirks, her eyebrows raising.

gabe nudges her in the side and leans in to whisper to her so she hears him over the piano. "you say command like a whore, did you know that?" victoria raises an eyebrow at the smirk creeping to his lips. "you say it like cum-mand."

she just shakes her head and walks away mumbling, "i hope patrick kills you."

blooper # 14 - it has something to do with sex, i'm sure

gabe leans up and kisses him, his tongue gentle on william's lips. he pulls away and smiles, "eugene," he croons, "the world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold." william has already melted in his arms; he is all loose limbs and warm in the best way, his eyes closed and his bottom lip being bitten by crooked teeth. gabe kisses along his jaw and whispers, "i don't know what my line is!"

"that's okay," william shrugs, "forget the line, just fuck me now."

"can anyone stay in character today?!" patrick asks from across the room and william hurries to explain that that was in character, but his efforts are drowned out by gabe's laughter.

blooper # 15 - phone sex

he reaches over and grabs it from the floor, sees brendon's name on the screen and redials his number with a sigh. when brendon answers he is serious for the first time in his life, frantic and running up stairs as he speaks, shouting to spencer about where to put the guns. william smirks into the phone, "hey sexy, what are you wearing?" and brendon chokes on sudden laughter.

blooper # 16 - a little less touch me

brendon sighs heavily and audrey decides now is a good time to speak up. she says, "i love you my little bird. i promise you we will always be okay. somehow, somehow we will be. i will protect you and you will protect me, and everyone within these walls will be there to help."

their noses touch. brendon kisses the corner of audrey's mouth and smiles. "i love you too, killer queen."

the air is no longer circulating the room. now it is still and silent and for the first time in a long time, everyone in the manor is fast asleep. tonight was terrifying. it was strange and surreal and none of them want to admit how dangerous of a situation it could have been. for once they are scared, they are concerned that maybe they aren't as untouchable as they make themselves out to be.

audrey says, quiet and whispered against brendon's lips, "your you know what is touching me."

someone off screen chuckles and someone else sighs.

brendon leans up and kisses her nose. "i know darling, and you have a square vag."

someone off screen that has to be pete guffaws and wheezes on laughter, someone else who sounds as annoyed as patrick yells "cut!" and scoffs, walking off the set. "no one can ever be serious!"

blooper # 17 - are you my friend or enemy?

gabe can feel the thoughts forming in his mind so he kisses him softly, his lips lingering for a moment, his words whispered against ryan's mouth. "ryan, i need you to take care of this family."

"mm," ryan pulls away and smiles at gabe, pressing another kiss to his lips for good measure. "i don't know why pete wrote in all of these kisses between us," he says with an eyebrow quirked slightly.

gabe shrugs, "it's because we're friends."

and ryan agrees, "best friends."

patrick rolls his eyes. "cut!"

blooper # 18 - one day. . .

gabe shrugs his shoulders, he notices a car pull up in the driveway and says, simply, "nothing." she walks up the stairs and he finishes with, "if you don't look at the world."

he looks directly into the camera and lowers his voice, an eyebrow raised. "you know, i didnt know robots could cry yet, what's up with that?"

patrick throws his script at gabe's head and victoria yells back, "i fucking heard that, you ass!"

blooper # 19 - gabe saporta is always dramatic

"i love you too," gabe smiles, and nods, kisses him again for good measure and goes inside before william starts to walk away. he turns back to say, "be back before sunrise, william beckett--"

william actually does start to reply, his line is on the tip of his tongue when gabe hurdles back over him, arms thrown around bill's body tightly. "no!" he yells, whimpering dramatically. "don't leave me! don't go off with him, i need you! who will play with my hair and make me sandwiches and suck my dick when i'm in a bad mood?" pretty much everyone on set starts to laugh because there are no words for this kind of dramatic behaviour. he sinks to his knees in front of william, clutching his shirt and kissing his chest, his bottom lip pushed far out in a childish pout.

"i love you," he mutters, "i love you more than anything in the whole world, william beckett, don't leave me. without you i am nothing." william pats him on the head and shrugs.

blooper # 20 - tattle tale!

"oh sorry," he says, making sure she hasn't spilled anything on herself, or him for that matter. "sorry, i'm so clumsy," he apologizes again but she just rolls her eyes at him.

"ugh," ashlee groans, flicking bits of ice off of her purse. "you spilled my drink you, silly ass!"

gabe gasps, insulted, glances around and spots pete standing beside an annoyed looking patrick, and complains, "pete! ashlee called me a silly ass!"


i like to think of the sacrifice of life as a big movie production thought up by pete wentz. he wrote the script and helped direct it with patrick, but was more of a producer and a creative force behind the whole thing rather than a director. somehow they convinced all of their friends to act in it and somehow they convinced themselves that it's not porn because it had more of a plot than that, although we all know they're just kidding themselves.

the series is now 42 325, and after my brain starts working it will finally, seriously be complete (maybe).

continue to interviews but read the story first!

gabe / william, fanfic, fbr ensemble, travis / william, bandom, series, sacrifice of life

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