(no subject)

May 04, 2008 11:33

a little less 16 candles, a little more touch me, 2006
the sacrifice of life; forget what you know (deleted scenes)
travis / william, gabe / william, 8631 words (nc17)

scene # 1 - small talk

"he's not here, eugene. i don't know where he is, but he's not here and you're not going to get him back by staying." gabe opens the door and walks out, leaving william there alone.

"we out of here?" shaant asks, nonchalantly. he doesn't even bother asking him what just happened because he honestly doesn't want to know. what happens between the vampires stays between the vampires, or something like that. they're always so dramatic all the time, he thinks, especially maja, the way she is intrusive and intuitive all at the same time, and fucking crazy.

gabe nods at him and they start to walk to the elevator. shaant glances back to see if william will be joining them any time this century but gabe just shakes his head.

"so, timothy," gabe asks nonchalantly as they wait for the elevator. "are you ever going to tell me how you get your hair like that? i know i can't pull a look like that off, but bill's got the right length for it and i like playing with his hair sometimes, you know, putting it in pigtails and whatnot, it'd be nice to know your secrets."

shaant shakes his head slowly so gabe knows he is serious. "no way, eduardo. it took me years to perfect this look, i'm not telling unless you tell me where you got your sweet dance moves."

gabe laughs, shaking his head as well. "it took me centuries to acquire these dance moves, i'm sorry but i guess i'll have to live without knowing your secrets then." they both nod in agreement as william walks out of the apartment, closing the door behind him. shaant is holding the elevator door open for him and gabe wraps an arm around his waist, pulling him close and kissing his temple to get a little smile from him. william offers a smile to shaant as well, who presses the appropriate button to take them to the basement, and they enter the elevator in silence.

scene # 2 - relationship woes

"the thing about jeanae is," pete says, taking another shot, "is that she expected me to be this perfect guy, you know? she wanted me to be there for her and hold her hand all the time, but things are finally taking off with the band and i can't always baby her." william nods along, stirring the ice in his drink with his fingers. pete is a nervous talker, he notices. he moves his hands a lot and rolls his eyes, taps his fingers, bites at his bottom lip. he can't sit still. "i know she's younger, but sometimes she really acted like a child." he sighs, falls back into the booth and william thinks this might be a rare, quiet moment in the life of pete wentz. but then he bolts up again and scoffs. "and another thing! she never got along with my best friend! i mean, look at him--" he points at patrick who is charming alex and ryland at the same time, "--how can you not love that dude?"

william starts to agree with him ("yeah, he's really great.") but pete starts talking again. "anyway, that's over and done with because she was fucking psycho in the end, but tell me about your dude, cause i can tell you want to get all that off your chest. so like, what happened?"

pete settles for a minute before tapping his fingers on the edge of the table. william watches his hands move, watches the veins in his wrists run up his forearm and disappear into the inside of his elbow. "he left," is what he manages to say. "he left me."

on the other side of the bar, brendon is entertaining ryan with secret whispers in his ear while spencer and jon fight over who pays for the next round. "travis?" pete asks, and william nods. "but i thought mike said you were dating gabe? who's gabe?"

a small chuckle escapes william's lips and he sighs, leans in and pushes his drink away, looking at pete with a smile on his face. "gabe and i have been together for years, seriously, centuries. we have an incredible relationship," he explains, and pete nods along. "we can be with anyone else, it doesn't matter cause we'll always come back to each other at the end of the night." he is about to explain further but pete interrupts him, ("he sounds like the best boyfriend ever! when can i meet him?") and william just settles back into his seat to finish his drink.

scene # 3 - epic fail, guys

ryan and brendon rush down the stairs, brendon rubbing his side and ryan holding his head where the tiniest bit of blood is collecting in his hair. "gabe," ryan says, panting from having run down the stairs so quickly. "pete's gonna be a problem."

gabe opens his mouth to ask how but brendon speaks before he can, "he sort of attacked us and took off--" he waves his arms around frantically, "--went fleeing into the night!"

behind them, maja chuckles to herself and slinks up the stairs back to her room.

brendon scoffs as gabe walks away from them, cussing under his breath. william gives them a look and follows him out of the room. "seriously," brendon sighs. "what were we supposed to do? fight him? no way, dude looked crazed." he shakes his head fervently and scoffs again, folding his arms over his chest. the tension in the room has settled for now with maja upstairs and gabe off ranting somewhere. victoria and alex are chatting excitedly about what pete might be up to now while audrey and keltie whisper to each other about the last episode of the oc.

ryan pats him on the shoulder kindly and agrees. "i know man, he was pissed." usually the ryan ross drawl makes it impossible for anyone to understand if he is being sincere about what he says, but he rubs brendon's shoulder and shrugs. "i don't think he wanted to be a vampire."

"you think?" brendon's voice raises slightly because ryan just got kicked in the head and he got punched in the face and thrown against a dresser, which is not a good thing because he knows once all the excitement has died down ryan is going to milk that for all it's worth and complain that he can't carry things and needs to play video games all day so his head will heal. brendon shakes his head and pretty much yells the rest of his statement, catching the attention of almost everyone in the room except for audrey and keltie who are discussing seth cohen's perfection. "he went all fucking mental on us! i mean granted he like-- you know, caught us off guard." he nudges ryan in the side and laughs while ryan's eyes dart around and he nudges brendon back, but harder and in the ribs.

"brendon!" ryan whispers through clenched teeth, "would you shut up about that before someone hears?!"

"oh right, ha! ha ha, oops." brendon cringes, rubbing his rib now along with his head.

beside them, jon is struggling to contain his laughter. spencer is shaking his head slightly, rolling his eyes as he looks over at them. ryan is a furious shade of red and brendon is pouting, nursing all his bruises at the same time. spencer says, "you're both idiots."

scene # 4 - "i'm a vampire!"

"patrick, wake up!" pete yells, barging in through his friend's window. he climbed up the way he always climbs up and got the latch unlocked easily but it was the getting here part that was difficult. it was almost sunrise, so he was freaking out. "patrick, i'm a fucking vampire!" he shouts, goes over and pulls the covers back.

"no," patrick mumbles. "sleep time."

pete pulls the sheets completely off and shakes patrick awake. "i am a fucking vampire," he says seriously, but all he gets in return is a scoff and rolled eyes.

"it's halloween, pete, of course you're a vampire. you're always a vampire." he rolls over in bed and reaches around for his blanket which is now on the floor. pete starts to pace around the room trying to think of how he can go about proving this. patrick isn't exactly the best listener in the middle of the night, especially after he's been woken up for no apparent reason. pete would like to kick him but he would probably just fall asleep on pete's foot, and he would like to play some loud music, but it would probably lull patrick into a deeper sleep.

he decides to throw random things out there like, "william beckett bit me in the fucking neck!" to which patrick replies, muffled into his pillow, "i bet you liked it."

"i drank gabe's blood!" he tries, but patrick just makes a disgusted noise and mutters something that sounds like, "if you're into that."

pete goes over and grabs his hand, bites him on the wrist and waits for patrick to freak out, which he does almost immediately. he practically leaps out of bed, rubbing his wrist and staring at pete like he's some terrifying, caged animal. "okay," he says calmly. "so you're a vampire." pete swallows, a lump has been in his throat since he left the manor running. "go sleep in the basement away from the window," patrick advises, "i'll call andy and joe." pete nods and starts to walk away but patrick pulls him back by his shirt and hugs him tightly. pete wants to scream, he wants to cry, wants to yell at someone, to throw shit around, but instead he just sinks into patrick's arms and sighs.

"i love you, patrick stump," he sniffles and smiles at him weakly as they pull apart. "you're my best friend in the whole world."

"i love you too, you idiot," patrick echoes, and shoves him toward the door. "but if you ever bite me again, i'll have andy kick your ass."

scene # 5 - disobeying orders

"what are you two doing?" gabe asks, leaning on the door frame. he sighs dramatically and watches alex and ryland pack knives and bows, stakes and some holy water into a bag. he checks his pocket watch and scoffs. they're going out with two hours of daylight left, probably on maja's orders because she is reckless and stupid, and of course they are listening because they think they have no other choice. gabe thinks, he should fix this.

they fumble around their explanation, adding words to a sentence neither one of them will finish.

"maja said--"

"because pete's pretty--"

"and then you know--"

"--should get going now!"

gabe scoffs at the two of them and starts to leave the room but turns back around. "downstairs. both of you." he punctuates his words with a scowl and starts off without them, calling over his shoulder. "leave the knives, you idiots!" once downstairs he presses the first button on the intercom and calls everyone else to the sitting room, stands in the middle and waits for them to gather around. he didn't expect maja to come, and she didn't, she's probably upstairs painting her nails with blood or something.

"listen," gabe says, looking at all of them individually so they know he is serious. "i will take care of pete, okay? i will find him, i will talk to him, i will kill him if i have to." william gives him a look that says, don't you dare, and gabe answers with a smile that assures him he is only trying to prove a point. "there's too much fucking activity in this house right now and it's annoying me so everyone, just stop, okay? just fucking stop it." he sighs, completely fed up with the whole situation and starts to walk over to william because an hour spent in bed with him sounds pretty good right now.

behind him, michael is doing a head count and clears this throat to get gabe's attention back. "gabriel?" he asks, "where's felix?"

"oh," gabe laughs, tossing michael a set of keys. "i locked him in the room, he wouldn't listen to me." he shrugs and watches michael laugh as well. "go keep him company, alright?"

scene # 6 - helping pete out

pete is sitting in the darkest corner of the basement with roxy in his arms, listening to the cure and looking incredibly emo, gabe thinks. he goes over and sits beside him. pete doesn't flinch or freak out or try to kill him so he guesses that patrick told pete that he was coming.

"william wasn't sure if you'd want to see him," he whispers. he knows at this point pete's head is probably killing him. he is adjusting to new senses and heightened old senses. he hasn't had blood since he left the manor and he's been staying in a basement. patrick says he hasn't eaten anything.

gabe sets a bottle of wine in front of them and touches pete's shoulder gently. he is cold and tense, but he warms to gabe's touch and reaches out to open the bottle. "fruits and vegetables," gabe tells him. "don't eat meat unless you want to get seriously ill." pete starts to interrupt him so gabe explains further. "there's too much dead blood in meat, it won't kill you but it's not pleasant. alcohol and juice metabolize the same way as blood, they replenish your own and keep you alive." pete nods, taking a swig of the wine and already feeling better.

"thank you," he mumbles, but gabe doesn't look so convinced that this is a good idea.

"you will have cravings," he informs pete, who nods, and looks like he might be sick. "you will want blood and if you ever get the taste of it in your mouth, you will hunt and you will feed. i know what it's like, peter." he puts an arm around pete's shoulder and pulls him close, whispering the rest. "if you ever need it," he offers, "patrick knows what to do. i've already talked to him about it." he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small vial, sets it on the table in front of them. "this might help, audrey says it should do the trick, but i'm not sure. you were created by me and william," he smiles, proud of the fact. "that makes you more powerful than you can even imagine."

pete turns to face him and hugs him tightly, resting his head on gabe's shoulder. later today some daylights from another city are coming to take them to a safer place. pete is lucky to have the friends he does, who are willing to go with him, to sacrifice their lives to take care of him.

"this is what it feels like to be a dandy," gabe had told patrick before coming down to the basement. "you guys are a family, you protect each other, just like us."

scene # 7 - snow day

sisky shaves off a bit of the snow on his snowman's shoulder. it bears a striking resemblance to the butcher only with a bigger head, a rounder body and a carrot for a nose. he places a hat he swiped from william's room upon it's head and admires his work.

"you're perfect," he smiles. "i shall call you fun boy!"

somewhere over his shoulder, mike laughs, a laugh that is too close and too devious to mean anything good. he hurdles past felix and michael, who are making snow angels and topples into fun boy, knocking half of his body and his perfect face to the ground. his carrot nose is broken in half. mike lies on the soft snow laughing maniacally and tossing bits of fun boy's body at sisky.

sisky yells, "bill!"

william rolls his eyes and looks back at gabe who is sitting behind him on the patio, his legs stretched out at william's sides, his fingers combing through long locks. with his other hand he is holding up a book. william asks, "do you remember when the only thing that mattered was taking time for the things we loved?" and gabe nods in agreement.

"but now we've got to humour all these fools," he sighs, and they smile at each other.

"i love our family," william whispers, settles against gabe's chest and closes his eyes, enjoying the way gabe's fingers feel against his scalp and the laughter from the yard-- audrey is giggling as brendon pushes her higher on the swing. keltie and ryan are beating jon and spencer in a snowball fight. before he shut his eyes he could see alex, ryland, nate and victoria sitting around reading to each other. andy is helping sisky put the snowman back together while tom playfully stuffs snow down mike's shirt. their family is perfect, he thinks, and smiles to himself.

scene # 8 - charades

"i don't understand what that means, dude." brendon shrugs his shoulders looking entirely annoyed at the mime in front of him. "you can't just flail your arms around for your entire life and expect people are going to know what you are saying, or take your seriously, for that matter."

the mime mimes something that may or may not be a fish. brendon shrugs.

"are you trying tell me something?" he asks, nicely, because he feels like this poor guy is just confused and probably scared-- his friends have all gone and left him and here he is just looking for a friend. the mime nods, yes, and brendon nods as well. "we could, like, play charades?"

the mime gets overly excited and brendon laughs because he is doing cartwheels back and forth. brendon sets his crossbow down and chuckles to himself as the mime stops cart-wheeling long enough to hold up seven fingers. he holds up six fingers and brings his arms around himself, his teeth chattering.

"okay, seven words, sixth word, uh--" brendon shrugs, then starts throwing out answers. "oh! cold? no, not cold, uh, chilly? winter? uh, ice?" he watches the mime shake his head again and repeat the action and then the light bulb goes off above brendon's head. "frozen!" he yells, excited. "frozen, got it!"

the mime holds up one finger and pulls on his ear, points to brendon and nods, then holds up two fingers and points to brendon again. "uh?" brendon furrows his eyebrows and tries to work it out. "okay so the first word sounds like you? the second word is you? who? who you? moo you? crew you? oh dude, i'm so dumb, do you?! ha ha, i like this game."

at this point, brendon holds up the correct fingers and goes through what he already has. do you, frozen. he furrows his brows, not quite understanding yet. the mime holds up three fingers, tugs on his ear again and pulls all of his hair in front of his head, pats it down horizontally across on his forehead. brendon looks at him for a second and then it clicks. "shaant?!" he laughs, hysterical now, holding his stomach as his mime friend laughs silently along with him and puts his hair back to normal. "oh man, that is perfect, shaant! oh, shaant." brendon composes himself and chuckles, "how do you even know shaant, dude?" the mime shrugs and brendon decides, whatever, it's a small world. "so third word sounds like shaant? oh that's easy, do you want?" the mime nods and brendon goes over it again: do you want, frozen.

the mime raises an eyebrow dramatically because he can see brendon working it out in his mind. "dude," brendon smiles. "can we get married and have little eighteenth century mime babies? you are totally reading my mind right now. do you want to get frozen yogurt? hell yes i do, let's go buddy." he walks over and wraps an arm around the mime's shoulder, patting him on the arm as his new friend smiles widely at him. "it's not too late so the mall will still be open," brendon suggests, "and we've got time before sunrise, so we should be okay!"

they get as far as the gates until brendon realizes something. "wait a minute," he says slowly, turning to face the mime, who is shrugging his shoulders and holding up his hands to ask what the matter is. "you were supposed to be gone by now! i was supposed to be making sure you were out of town!" the mime glances around and smiles innocently. "you're trying to trick me!" brendon gasps, hurt. the mime starts to back away slowly but, before he is too far, kicks brendon in the shin and runs off leaving brendon hobbling around on one leg, whining. "that son of a bitch!" he exclaims, shaking a fist. "well, at least no one will ever know about this." he shakes his head and starts to walk back to get his cross bow just as ryan's car pulls up and jon waves at him through the window. brendon waves back, silently vowing to kill the mime that duped him.

scene # 10 - getting kidnapped

keltie wraps her finger around a strand of her hair, she's chewing cherry flavoured gum and sticks her tongue out at audrey who is mocking the way she chews with her mouth open. audrey walks up ahead and follows the straight lines painted in the middle of the road. they should be on the sidewalk but it's late and no one is around for miles. they are taking the long way home, just enjoying time away from the boys and audrey's experiments for the time being. they had confronted the girl coven last night with victoria (because the boys didn't think it was particularly kind or gentleman-like of them to threaten girls) so tonight was the routine check up, and they didn't have to do anything really, since they had all taken off already.

"hey," she asks, smacking audrey on the arm so she pays attention. audrey quirks an eyebrow and turns around, attempting to walk a straight line backwards. "do you ever get the feeling that there's something going on between ryan and brendon?" keltie undoes the ribbon in her hair and reties it, audrey just snorts and nods.

"always has been," she shrugs, "i think there always will be, but let's face it, they're completely head over heels in love with us, man." keltie nods in agreement and she has to admit, it is kind of cute the way they think no one knows about them.

audrey turns back around but talks louder so keltie can hear her. "i think they might have dated or something, before ryan met william, that's why he turned brendon-- couldn't stand life without him. but they're a puppy love, teenaged hand holding, pass you notes in school kind of love. they're the best kind of love, kel, but not the kind that lasts forever. we're eternity for them." audrey glances back and smiles, her mouth wide and fitted perfectly to her teeth. she has her septum ring out right now but keltie thinks it looks better in, even when she is wearing one of maja's old dresses and heels. "i don't mind them together, mainly because i know they're just sad sometimes without each other, and nostalgic for what they had before. they can't get it back, though, because now they have to live forever and you can't pass i love you notes in class forever."

keltie thinks that for a girl who can't spell three letter words properly, audrey can be pretty insightful and wise at times.

she has her moments.

"car," she shouts back, and they both walk towards the curb to avoid getting hit. it's useless though, because it heads right for them, swerves and stops a foot away. a few guys step out and in front of them; audrey raises an eyebrow at them. "great," she rolls her eyes when she notices one of them has abnormally sharp teeth.

a vampire who is most definitely not the leader of this coven but is probably the second in command (the way ryan is the third in command, because gabe and william share second and maja scares the fuck out of everyone) steps up and says, calmly. "you're going to have to come with us.

audrey rolls her eyes again and turns to keltie who says, "do they not know who we are? i don't think they know who we are." she looks each one of the boys in the eyes and scoffs at them. "listen boys," she says nonchalantly, as if she's telling sisky and brendon off for making a mess in the kitchen. "we're dandies, and if you know anything about this town, i suggest you get back in your little vamp-mobile and head home because, well, we're fucking dandies." she scoffs and turns to leave but one of the vampires grabs her arm and turns her around.

the other one, the second in command on a power trip, says, "we know who you are but that doesn't change anything and i won't repeat myself. i apologize for being rude but there's no other option here. you have to come with us."

keltie pulls her arm away and bites down on her jaw. usually she is the level headed one and audrey is off the wall; it makes them a good team, but right now she is downright pissed. "you new kids," she seethes, "you have no idea who you're dealing with, do you?" the second, he starts to say something but before the words are even out of his mouth, keltie has already kicked the vampire who grabbed her against the car and has a dagger to one of the others' neck; audrey has splashed holy water on one of them and is rubbing her knuckles where they collided with someone's face. they don't get much of a chance to celebrate though because someone pulls a gun to audrey's temple and the second in command clears his throat.

he says, clearly and enunciated because he thinks they're deaf or something, "let him go. and get in the car, ladies." keltie knees the vampire in the stomach for good measure but pulls back and slips her dagger back into her garter. audrey rolls her eyes and shoves the gun out of her face, climbing into the back of the car after keltie.

"you idiots better hope they send william to come get us," audrey laughs, crosses her leg over the other and pulls her dress over her thighs. she nudges keltie in the side because she is obviously still annoyed at the moment, but audrey can only see the situation ending badly for these guys. "if they send gabe, you're toast. he'll kill you first and won't even bother to ask questions and trust me, it doesn't matter how many of you there are, they'll be nothing left but dust when he's through with you." she giggles again and the second in command rolls his eyes. "oh, you're all gonna die," she sing-songs, sinks into the seat and fiddles with the hem of her dress.

keltie thinks that for a girl who is insightful and wise at times, audrey can annoy the hell out of the most patient and tolerant people.

she has her moments.

scene # 10 - reunions

ryan kisses keltie's hair, smooths the blanket out over her back and hugs her closer. she is warm and smooth all over and he wants to lie like this forever. they haven't left their room for hours, even though most of their time was spent with him apologizing to her over and over again. "i'm sorry," he says again, barely whispered over the sounds of her breathing. she mumbles something into his shoulder and kisses his skin, but he shakes his head and sighs.

"it wasn't your fault," she says, wrapping her arms around his waist and rubbing his sides. "it had nothing to do with you and we're fine, i'm fine, ryan. it's the life we lead, it's dangerous, but we accept it because it's who we are and what we have to do to survive."

he looks at her and frowns, his bottom lip sticking out slightly. "i'll never let anything happen to you, i promise, never again." he leans down and kisses her softly, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "i'll do whatever it takes to protect you."

keltie smiles, kisses him again, and nods her head, her eyes closing as they whisper i love you's and good night's.

scene # 11 - reunions pt. 2

"ryan was pretty freaked," brendon says. his voice is small in a way that breaks audrey's heart. she wishes she could fix him but she realizes he is just sad, not broken. he is trying to be brave but she can tell he's scared, too. "i was okay," he lies. "i knew you weren't gone, just taken, and i would see you again." he's rambling. he is all nerves and his palms are getting sweaty on the small of her back. even with the window open and the breeze filtering in through the room, he is a wreck.

she knows, he's always been the girl in this relationship anyway. he has always been the one to cling to her, to vie for her attention any way he can get it. she has always loved him more than he loved her but to make up for it he always makes sure to show her every day they were together that he couldn't live without her. he probably wants her to say something reassuring at this point but he doesn't indicate so, so he prattles on.

"i knew you'd be okay. i mean, we weren't going to let them hurt you. i wasn't going to let them hurt you." audrey thinks, and william. william was mostly in charge of the making sure they were okay and unharmed.

brendon sighs heavily and audrey decides now is a good time to speak up. she says, "i love you my little bird. i promise you we will always be okay. somehow, somehow we will be. i will protect you and you will protect me, and everyone within these walls will be there to help."

their noses touch. brendon kisses the corner of audrey's mouth and smiles. "i love you too, killer queen."

scene # 12 - an endless argument

william pulls his shirt on and does each button up carefully. in the mirror he can see that his hair is pretty messed up right now, so he goes over and combs it out with his fingers, smoothes it down and twists the bottoms around his fingers to get the right effect. he checks that there are no wrinkles on his clothes, that his pants are buttoned and zipped and that the collar of his shirt isn't sticking up strangely. he can't leave the house looking like he just rolled out of bed, what would that say about his image?

by the window, travis is lighting another cigarette (william never bothered with things like cigarettes, although out of habit a bunch of the dandies still smoked and gabe was quite partial to smoking a pipe just to remind himself of the good ol' days) and opening the window to let in a little bit of the breeze. "i don't know if i'll see you tomorrow," william sighs, pulling his boots on. "we're going to go see the elvis coven but they're pretty far out of town so i may not be able to swing by here before going home." he checks to make sure he has everything he needs. keys, wallet, his phone, a dagger stuck back in his boot and one up his sleeve.

"we could help you out with that situation, you know, if you wanted. too many covens are popping up out of nowhere lately and you guys can't take em all by yourself." william sort of agrees, but he shrugs his shoulders.

"i'll mention it to gabe when i get home." he checks his pocket watch and realizes it's much later than he thought it was. "speaking of home, i should be going."

travis scoffs by the window and william turns to raise an eyebrow at him. "you know, one night you could just stay here if you wanted, i wouldn't mind."

he almost chokes on his laughter, on the nervous chuckle that escapes his lips. "stay here?" william asks, shaking his head. "i told you, i can't spend the night away from the manor." travis looks as though he might protest somehow, but william cuts him off with a hand held out. "look, i am flattered that you keep offering to house me for the night, and i would love to stay, i really would, but rules are rules. there has to be rules when you're living like this or everything will fall apart, travis. i'm not going to tell you how to run your family but this is how i run mine. some of our rules have been in place before television existed, and i'm not about to break or even bend them after so long. the dandies are all equal; i wouldn't expect them to obey the rules we set in place and then not do the same." he shrugs, turns back around and grabs his jacket from the arm chair.

"that, and your boyfriend doesn't want you to stay here," travis adds, a hint of something cruel in his voice.

william sighs.

"i don't do things because gabe tells me to do them, travis mccoy, i do them because i want to." it's an argument they haven't had before because they've never had the opportunity to talk about it but now that it's happening, william wishes he had just left when he had the chance. "i want to be with you, so i'm with you. i want to be here right now, so i'm here. if i wanted to stay here for the night, i would, but i want to respect my family, so i'm going home and i will go home every night for the rest of my life."

travis finally turns around to face him and he looks disappointed. it's enough to break william's heart if he wasn't annoyed right now. he flicks his cigarette out of the window and shrugs his shoulders. "if gabe asked you not to see me, would you stop coming here?"

"no," william answers, simply, truthfully. "but the point is, travie, he would never ask me to." his shoulders sag and he leans against the dresser, shaking his head, contemplating how such a serious conversation came out so suddenly. "i don't know what more you want from me," he whispers and states, because it needs to be said, "i love you."

all he gets in return is a shrug and travis turning back to face the window, pointing out, "yeah, but you love him, too."

it's difficult, william thinks, to be put in this position. he loves travis, but he loves gabe too and both in completely different ways. travis is a new life to him, someone he has to build a relationship with, someone unpredictable and intoxicating. gabe is comfort and security, gabe is constant and never ending, the part of william's life that he will never be without. it would take everything out of him to try to explain his relationship with gabe to anyone, trying to explain it to travis would be torture. he has belonged to gabe saporta since he was seventeen years old. their life together isn't something he can explain in words.

he wants to say something that will make this better but instead all he can manage is, "it's hard not to."

scene # 13 - centuries

william stands up and walks over to gabe, sits in his lap so they are facing, his legs long and dangling at gabe's sides. "everything is different now, eduardo," he whispers, tongue rolling the r with perfection that gabe knows he has been practicing for centuries. "we're not alone anymore, we don't have to be. i know sometimes you want it to be just the two of us again, and sometimes i want that too, but we've both spent too much time being alive instead of living." gabe nods in agreement, and he truly does understand what william is saying. "everything is different now," he says again, "the world is changed."

gabe leans up and kisses him, his tongue gentle on william's lips. he pulls away and smiles, "eugene," he croons, and william immediately melts into his arms because only gabriel saporta can make a name like eugene sound perfect, the harsh g, fading out against william's lips. "the world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold." william grins toothily at the words, recalling a time when he had read them in a letter given to him by a playwright, a soon to be novelist. gabe kisses the corner of his mouth and closes his eyes. "the curves of your lips rewrite history."

they are flawless at being together, the two of them, effortless and beautiful. gabe's jacket falls to the floor behind him, the buttons on william's shirt are slowly being opened. gabe kisses his chest, his skin, pale white and stretched over his bones. the thin fabric of gabe's shirt slides off his shoulders and william presses quick, wet kisses to them, simultaneously unbuckling his belt.

they are sweet and soft, slow, and so intense, all lingering kisses and nibbled bottom lips. but they are also wildly passionate. through the years they have never gotten sick of each other, never gotten bored, never wanted anyone more than they always want each other. when william was with travis, he still wanted gabe; not more or less, just different. gabe tosses william's shirt into the corner of the room, stands up, lifting william with him, and sets him down on the desk. they are exciting, they are bold and daring and completely in love. william thinks it is entirely possible to love two people at the same time, to love one as intensely as the other, he is proof. gabe thinks he is perfect, kicking off his shoes, lifting his hips to push his pants off over his thighs and completely off, pulling gabe closer by his undone belt and grinning. gabe does the same, leans over william and whispers in his ear, "i've wanted to be inside you all day."

william closes his eyes, bites his bottom lip and wraps an arm around gabe's shoulders, keeping their chests pressed together. "you're always inside me, gabe, always," he is quiet and demure but whimpering, running his fingers over the veins in gabe's arm. gabe's fingers are wrapped tight around him, sliding up and down and causing william's hips to rise off the desk. gabe moves into him slowly, kissing william's neck, his chest, kissing the spot just below where his ribs stick out and they both take a moment to enjoy the feeling, a moment of staggering pleasure. gabe pulls william up and kisses him, continues moving his hand in slow strokes. william moans into his ear, "i love you," and gabe smiles.

for two people who love each other so passionately, they barely ever said the words. i love you went out of style with parachute pants and hair metal bands. it isn't necessary for them to say the words; they feel it every day they are together. but once in a while, whether it is to reassure each other or to emphasize a point, they will. sometimes, when they are sitting at dinner (and lately gabe has taken maja's seat at the far end, with william beside him) gabe will be passing the strawberries to alex and william will lean over and whisper it in his ear. sometimes, when william is in the cellar picking out wine or checking in on audrey, gabe will go down and kiss him for no reason, hold him tightly and say it. sometimes it just feels right, like now, and gabe feels it too, kisses william's neck and sighs. "i love you more and more every day, gorgeous."

their smiles are identical, toothy and genuine, hips moving in unison. william would like to express how perfect this moment is, but the words are stuck in his throat between gasped breaths, between gabe's name being whispered over and over again and the small whimpers he makes when gabe's hips crash into his. he would like to express something other than low moans against gabe's mouth but he can't concentrate.

gabe nips at his chest with too much teeth, runs his tongue along a bite on william's neck that will never heal-- the one gabe gave him so long ago.

scene # 14 - a phone call

"hello," patrick answers, cheerfully.

"uh, hello," a voice says on the other line, deep and husky. "is your uh, is your refrigerator running?"

patrick sighs. "this wasn't funny the first time, gabe, and it's not funny now."

on the other line he can hear gabe laughing hysterically, smacking the desk in the library as william mumbles something about how immature he is. "okay, okay, how about this? a nun, a priest and a vampire walk into a church--"

patrick doesn't even get a chance to finish the joke for him because william smacks him in the head and gabe yelps into the phone. "cut it out," william rolls his eyes. "you've told patrick that one eighteen times, this'll make nineteen and it'll be the hundred and twenty seventh time i've heard it so just don't."

gabe finally stops laughing and gets down to business. "alright," he says. "how have you guys been?"

"eh," patrick shrugs over the phone, "same old, you know. andy's been kicking ass in his training and joe's got some new tricks up his sleeve. i've been fixing up some stuff for pete, and pete, well--" he sort of stops himself before he says anything else and asks what's going on with the dandies.

gabe doesn't push on the pete issue, just tells patrick that they are all fine, just in a little bind, and asks to speak to pete.

"hey buddy," he says when he hears pete's voice on the other end. "want to do me a huge favor?"

scene # 15 - explanations

"so you see, it wasn't hard at all! after all that initial hard stuff, having to rework the equations and insert different variables was simple!" audrey claps her hands together and grins. she's proud that she got her work done, and just in time too. the few vampires that were still alive were allowed to leave to spread the word that the dandies weren't going to stand for people invading their territory. they had a new weapon, one that couldn't be beat, and if any other coven decided to take a stroll through their town and cause trouble, they would regret it. she sighs, amazed at her own brilliance, and continues explaining her work to brendon.

"i just had to work with varying consistencies to find one that worked with every possible situation. i mean, it took forever because i had to do so many tests with no test subjects, but i've figured out harder things, so this was a--" she looks over and raises an eyebrow, poking her boyfriend in the rib. "brendon?"

beside her, he has fallen asleep, his mouth hanging open slightly, head lolling sideways and his hands still clutching his glass of blood.

audrey says, "oh man."


bloopers will be in another post, i just have to type them up! everything is always written on torn out pages from my notebook, it takes forever to decipher my handwriting at times. i slept a lot and got swept up in life this week since i had so much time off, but i apologize profusely. for those of you who are writers, you already know how difficult writer's block can be to live with.

also just to clarify, gabe and william met in 1787 when william was seventeen and gabe was technically still twenty three. william worked for gabe and maja and he and gabe had a whirlwind romance that led to him being sired five years later :)

this series is now 39 430 words, holy fuck

continue to bloopers but read the story first!

gabe / william, fanfic, fbr ensemble, travis / william, bandom, series, sacrifice of life

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