Handwriting analysis

Apr 23, 2011 23:48

Thanks for taking a look at things here to see our Mini-HW read. You report that your signature tends to be moderate to large compared to the rest of your writing, slant tends to be slightly to the right, and the slope tends to be extremely upward. Examining the signature and printed name as separate entities, you said your printed name is pretty much like your signature. Then in the main handwriting section, you indicate that the roundness / sharpness of your hand is usually slightly more sharp than round, your use of writing/printing is mostly all Cursive, and mostly "by the book", general slant is quite significantly to the right, and slope is slight upward slope to it.

Using the above information, then:   You don't particularly like to stand out in the world, and prefer to just get on with being who you are. You can be quite reasonably confident and satisfied with self, and though not willing to make grand entrances or exits, will still find time to "glow" a little out there in the limelight. Are you REALLY feeling that good about things right now? Are you perhaps either super-charged with confidence about things about now, or perhaps just the opposite: trying to cover up that you're NOT so happy just now? You can take it or leave it when party invitation time comes around. That is, some you will take, and others you will kindly decline. You appreciate people who tell things like they are, and you think this about yourself, as well.

"OrdinarysVille, USA" is one of the things which we used to call this when we see it in a hand: That's because you seem to have a reticence to stray from the kind of handwriting you were were taught to do in Grade School, recall? Have you ever thought about why you like to write this way? Is it because you particularly LIKE the structure of the standards? Or is it perhaps because you have found kudos and congratulatory strokes for being able to fit in with the norms or because you'd prefer to be visible for how well you fit in and not how much you stand out? Perhaps you're hesitant, then to try something like throwing in a little "Strokes By DS" sometime, and let go of that overwhelming need to conform? How is this like other aspects of your life? Oh, and people can annoy you with their poking along sometimes, eh--- DS definitely not liking to be one of those mossy staid pebbles, but rather, more of a rolling stone? You like to keep ACTIVE, and always doing something, even if it's just inner chatter, but your feel it's definitely your calling to just get out there and Get On With Things! So: Put in traffic behind a slow pokey car in front of you, and look for some fireworks of patience? Calm down, now: the world will still be there in the twelve seconds you'd save by rushing to get around them... Take it easy, ok? And to make things even more intense, I note you also have that significant rightward lean, which means you can do some serious leaning into people's faces with your intensities. Ooooh. Quite a temper, eh?

But, on the positive side of things, you'd also tend to be quite a powerhouse, mover & shaker when you wanted to get going on things. So the DIRECTION, then is important! Quiet Optimism. That'd be one way to characterize this phase of your life. But then again, perhaps others might call it more Naive Hopefulness!. Certainly you DO tend right now to have a hopeful slant to your personality. Be thankful since it's there at the moment, and get on with life! Life indeed IS interesting, isn't it? No one ever has to tell you to bring your intensity to the party; you tend to like very much to live powerfully, and on your own terms, so it should be little surprise to people when they find you making waves in someone else's life at the same time!



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