From live to dream

Apr 13, 2011 15:00

Test test~

I found myself growing distant of LJ. I still like the place, despite the java bug I've been having for 2 years now and whatever system update/upgrade they made so far that IDGAF about. It's just it's becoming worse.

No, I won't leave LJ. I have way too many people I love here 83 I just want to let you know I have a side-journal on Dreamwidth, just in case my LJ falls off into the dark abyss of interwebs. I'm still learning the documentation and browsing through the FAQ but from what I understand so far, you can use openID to subscribe and be granted access to people's journals. It's actually pretty much the same as LJ, just with less money-making schemes. Basic/free accounts on Dreamwidth gets 15 userpics without the BS ads stamping all over.

And cuter layout too <3 No, wait, that's just me. *cough*

I will cross-post entries on both journals anyway, so you can still read them on LJ. My art blog is still in LJ until LJ finally enables community import ability or something >.>


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