Another update? really? wow!

Jan 31, 2007 09:25

So last week was an awful week, but it's over now and now I'm just trying to catch up. Can't you tell how hard I'm working :P

My dilemma of the week is whether or not i should go to Bjorklunden this weekend or not. I have a paper due on wednesday, it only has to be 3-5 pages, but I haven't started any work on it and I want it to be good. I've kinda been lacking in my paper writing skills during my time here at Lawrence and I kinda want to prove to myself that i'm not a complete moron when it come to writing. I could bring work with me to Bjorklunden and convince myself I'll get work done, even though I know thats a silly pipe dream. OR I could take work with me and ACTUALLY make myself do it....oooo what a concept.

The reality of the matter is I know I will inevitably go to Bjorklunden because it is Bjorklunden and if I don't go this weekend I wont get to go again until next year, which would suck a lot. And also Jason will be going and that means if I stay here I'll be all lonely and sad without him SO I just need to force myself to get work done while I'm up there.

Well thats settled, I'm glad we had this little chat.

In other news Jason cleaned my room up a bit while I was at home over the weekend. He's amazing. Like a told Mariel if I ever even think about letting him get away someone needs to give me a swift kick in the pants and tell me to get off the crack.

Oh and we're coming up on a milestone in my life here, this is the first time I've had an actual boyfriend over Valentine's Day. yay I know it's nuts. So after we reenact the St. Valentine's Day Massacre we're going out on the town and it's going to ROCK! Hmmm....I suppose we should probably make reservations somewhere or we're not going to be eating at Downer.

Anyways, I should probably do a little reading before my shift is some ACTUAL work for once. yay go me

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