UP DATE!! ya i know how shocking :P

Jan 11, 2007 13:16

Well I am approaching the end of my first full week of the new term. This should be a good term. Much better than last term i can tell that right now.

My classes are going to be really good. My sculpture class i was a little worried about at first, but i just about finished my first project and i can tell it's going to be a very good break/outlet for me.

Indians of North America is a SWEET ASS class. i find myself actually doing the readings and enjoying them. I know weird concept huh? We watched a movie about the Cree people of northern canada yesterday it was really interesting.

My Topics in Geological Paradigm Shifts Through Time looks like it going to interesting. It's the only one that i'm a little worried about because we have to do a lot of readings and student lead discussions which can often go horribly wrong. But we shall see.

The best part about this term however is the fact that i spent less than 100$ on books because i only had to buy books for my indians of north america class. SCORE!!

It's also fencing season so it's a good thing my class load isn't too hard. Our team is going to be really good this year. A lot of new people, but they show a lot of promise and they are all really good people and a lot of fun. Our first tournament is the weekend after next. I'm really excited to see how the new kids do and myself as well. I've had really really bad shin splints these last couple days so i haven't been able to fence. I think after today i will be okay though. They feel a lot better then they did yesterday.

I think having Jason around has given me a bit of a lift as well. last term i was kind of already losing my mind from the begining of the term so while he kept me from going off the deep end this term should be better....for me at least. His schedule is a little more deadly.....silly physics majors.

He got me the best christmas present. When i got back to campus he was waiting outside my dorm and he helped me bring my stuff up to my room. When I opened my door there were peacock feathers everywhere. He had gotten my residence life adviser to let him into my room and put peacock feather up everywhere and he got me pineapple, and a necklace that is fantastic. It's nice and vintage, just the way i like them. and he got me some really cool earings that go along with it quite nicely. He also got me book by joseph conrad to prepare me for my sea semester. They were the best gifts i've ever gotten from a guy. He did well, I better not let this one get away. :P

Speaking of christmas, break was good. It was great to see the girls, we had some awesome nights. and it was good to see Luke. Too bad I had to leave so early i didn't really get a chance to actually hang out with him.

And now i need to finish some readings before i head to class

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