raw buckwheat porridge

Jul 06, 2012 12:00

This is one of those recipes that certainly can't be considered gourmet, but for me at least is a new staple in my kitchen. I have seen these on many, many raw food blogs so it isn't a new concept by any means. However, something about the idea of blended sprouted buckwheat always seemed just...gross to me. Being very, very pregnant and dying for a change up in my breakfast routine, I decided to give it a go. And lo and behold....I love it!

Here, I used thawed and frozen mixed berries. Since then, I have also used sliced bananas and sliced peaches, which was also delicious, but something about the liquidy juiciness from thawed frozen fruit makes it just that extra degree more awesome.

Super duper easy- here is the recipe:

Raw Buckwheat Porridge

1 cup sprouted buckwheat
2 tbsp. lucuma powder
1 tbsp. tahini
6 drops vanilla stevia (or 1 tbsp. other sweetener)
1/4 cup almond milk or water

Place everything in a food processor and process until smooth. Top with thawed frozen berries and bee pollen or whatever else tickles your fancy.

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