Thanks for lightening up the apocalypse, Britney

Aug 31, 2011 19:12

For the last i-don't-know-how-long, i've been quite caught up in the whole 2012/Mayan Calendar/Hopi prophecy/peak oil/new world order/OMGWTFBBQ type thing.

So, okay. I give this shit the time of day because I really, truly and honestly believe that the way the majority of humanity is living is totally unsustainable, completely alienating and sick. Sick for us, sick for each other, sick for our souls, sick for the planet. And I really, really have a lot of faith that many of the hardships that we WILL experience in our lifetimes are not actually hardships at all but a necessary and meaningful step forward for us. Down-sizing or right-sizing all of our economic and political systems, reconnecting with each other from the heart and making connections in our communities, being responsible on a local and personal level for our food production, health-care. etc., being intimately connected to the Earth in a way that we can never, ever be right now. These are all things that I feel need to happen, and must happen for us to continue to live here in any real way.

And then sometimes it gets too much, and feels so overwhelming and I get anxious and throw up.
Especially when I watch videos like this one that has been circulating recently:

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Fuck it, seriously. Thanks Britney, for reminding me that it's not that fucking serious, and even if it is then I just have to remember to dance, and smile, and love a little harder. Keep on dancing till the world ends.

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politics, spirituality

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