Colette is tiny. She's 158cm tall ... which doesn't sound that bad until you hit her canon weight of 44 kilograms. Normally I'd go on a rant about how Namco Tales Studio is just silly and that Emil Castagnier really doesn't look like he's got a greater BMI than most of the ToS cast but in Colette's case it actually makes a lot of sense, as she really is delicately built.
As you can see in the icons, Colette's got really long blonde hair and blue eyes! I chose to make her hair really fair because in the cut art it's fair, even in the game it's darker. It's artistic licence, okay. Anyway, I assume that Colette looks more like she does in the manga than in the game sprites if only because Colette looks twelve in those whereas in the manga she looks sixteen.
As for clothing, she's always in the white tunic ... thing with darker blue trim, long sleeves and gloves and dark blue tights/pants and sensible shoes. The necklace and gem arrangement around her neck is quite possibly embedded into her skin; the gem certainly is, and it'd make sense that the rest would be as well. The gem probably gives off unsettling vibes to the psychically sensitive if they are attuned to life force because it is alive but parasitic and is basically chewing on Colette.
Habits/Mannerisms/Body Language:
Surprisingly, Colette's actually somewhat closed off with her body language. She's open to the extent that she listens to people and invites them to talk to her, and she gestures so she's not unexpressive. But she's also not really in people's personal space, and she's genuinely surprised when people broach hers. Like man, she's shocked when Lloyd hugs her and she's just told him that her body is slowly turning into a senseless cage where she'll be conscious but without sensations for ever. This is not someone familiar with touch. (In fact, I often wondered during the game whether the reason why Colette was covered from neck to toe was because she didn't want anyone to accidentally touch her and feel bad about it afterwards.)
Also Colette falls over a lot. A lot. Sometimes something good will happen as a result of it, like she'll find a secret passageway or save people from monster attacks. Other times she just falls through a wall. Her classroom wall has a Colette-shaped hole in it, it happens that often. She will also trip over in the air while flying. Don't ask how, as no-one really knows. Of course, she also falls over while picking your pockets during battle, so whatever, man.
Also Colette apologises. A lot. Someone counted it and she apologises 41 times in the first game. I'm taking her from the end of the first game where she's gotten over some of her issues and when I move her over to the sequel, she'll be less inclined to apologise all the time. But she apologises a lot, because she believes that everything is her fault and she is really sorry about that.
Finally, Colette flies! Not all the time, because that's kind of abnormal and while Colette's come to terms with how abnormal she is, she still wants to pass as normal at first. But when she's fighting, her wings come out automatically. It's a reflex thing.
Current Residence(s):
Asch's Cabin, which is hilariously misnamed because it has almost the entire ToS cast in it.
Typical Daily Routine:
Colette gets up early every morning and does her daily ablutions because it'd be very inconsiderate to keep people waiting for the showers and the like. Then when the gorillas come and collect her at 5am, she's clean, dressed and all ready to go. After that, she flies around and checks on her friends and makes sure that everyone is safe. I assume that every so often she ends up washing dogs because it's Colette and she just has a thing with finding dogs. Somehow. She also washes Noishe every so often if Lloyd hasn't done it.
She helps out with the chores to keep the cabin looking tidy and annoys Asch by asking if he's okay and whether he needs anything. SORRY ASCH.
She also goes out and meets new people, says hello to her friends like Chii and the like and mostly just spends time with them and tries to make their lives happier. But mostly Colette's day is focused around others. She's looking around to see how she can help out and how she can make people's lives better. Basically Colette's daily routine is focused around you.
Favorite Haunts:
YOUR CABIN. Okay no, seriously, Colette loves the mess hall and her cabin, and she loves meeting new people and spending time with them. She'd also go to the hospital and talk to the people in there daily except that I always miss the hospital posts and feel awkward assuming that she's doing that, so. She'd probably volunteer with the mess hall too except that ... you guessed it, I miss those posts too.
Does she make her own bed?:
Yes, and she apologises profusely for making it a mess. I assume that Colette could go without sleep, but she doesn't want to and hasn't learned to regulate her body so that she doesn't need to, like the other angels have. She's not that smart. :(