Oct 03, 2002 02:17
i've had such a good time the last few days with ron. i feel bad i can't even fully let him know how good of a time i really do have with him. i really am terrible sometimes telling people i really do enjoy them. i feel like i always tell the wrong people. we took webcam pics hehehe of course. they shall be posted later.
other news i got a nice letter today in the mail from the court telling me i have a warrant out for my arrest WOO HOO!!! my bail is at 15000 dollars. hah. fuckers. I HATE THE SYSTEM =D especially since im such a nice girl i swear they're being mean to the wrong people wah.
i miss vanessa. and sharin. and joanna. and and and and um yeah. blah. im actually tired. i've been feeling shitty all day. sickness sucks butt. late.