2nd week of may,

May 08, 2017 21:28

Relevant to several conversations I have had in the past two weeks or so, including a lengthy one with Anna regarding the ins and outs of being alone and how I (and we) handle it. And also to a certain gift that was given to me several months ago and the intentions behind it. I trust those intentions a tiny little bit more every day. Wednesday huh? Two days away, bet it will come and go without event.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Wednesday’s full moon highlights the emotionally poignant issues in your relationships. It brings up the feelings that need to be felt. It brings up the fears that lie under the surface of your experience. It brings up the patterns that prevent you from knowing that you are worthy and deserving of love.

Just for the record, you are worthy and deserving love.

Anything within you that believes otherwise must be made known. Interrogated. Proven irrelevant. Case closed. End of story. Moving on.

Wednesday’s full moon wants you to notice who in your life has the beautiful ability to ride out the different emotional waves, currents and undertows that tend to take you down from time to time. We aren’t supposed to be able to manage every emotion on our own. We need each other in order to sort through the swamps of our feelings. We need each other in order to experience all aspects of our vulnerability.

We need each other in order to know ourselves.

It’s too easy to hide from our issues when left alone. It’s too easy to navigate around an honest reflection when we don’t have to face ourselves through the reflective love of another. It’s too easy to stay stunted when our hearts are left unchallenged by love. Use Wednesday’s full moon to feel into all the ways in which your relationships help you to access the power of your emotions and all the ways in which they help you to heal, grow and ultimately know yourself better.
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