All Alone Again

Feb 20, 2005 12:28

Alright, so that starts it off sounding really sad and pathetic, but that's not the way I feel this instant. My friend Emily is getting married and I'm one of her bridesmaids (I still have to find a dress -- eep!). But I've come across something that confuses me. I found out someone who gets everything they want, and they're unhappy. Unhappy? Why? They have two jobs, so they have lots of pocket money, and lots of friends, so why is this person unhappy? I understand why I'm unhappy -- I have no money, little friends, and basically go to work and back home. But why would this person be unhappy? How unfortunate that that proves my theory that happiness is what you make it. He is the last person I know that should be unhappy. I mean, people have bad days or a crisis, but to be generally unhappy? I pity him. There is something wrong in your soul if your that unhappy. I know that I have some mental problems that make me depressed and I act crazy (not in the good way). But how sad is it that you not only make yourself that unhappy, but that short of live journal, you can't tell anyone. How sad.
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