Roommate Troubles! Someone please help!

Mar 04, 2009 22:27

Okay, so I feel like a bitch, but I have to get this all out:

My roommate and I are getting on each other nerves, which is to be expected. Not only do we live in a 14x10 room, but we're friends so we're around each other even more. We recently started getting into little fights and shit.

The other day we had this discussion about how we really need to take a break from each other. She said it wouldn't happen, cause we have the same friends and we'd all end up hanging out 'cause I introduced her to all my friends, and they love her and they're now her friends too, which really doesn't bother me. What bother me is, I told her that no, it would happen. The problem is, in order for us to take a break from each other, we'd need to spend more time with our other friends. Unfortunately, we have the same set of friends exactly. So, for us to get a break, one of us gets left out. I said this to her, and she just kind of shrugged and went about whatever she was doing. She didn't agree or she didn't care, I don't know which.

Here's the problem, she's getting her calling the people we usually hang out with together as soon as they get done with classes and such and going to hang out with them. She does it in such a way that I don't know it's happening until she's leaving, and she tells me in such a tone that I know if I invite myself she'll get annoyed and shit will start.

I get needing space, I get this. The thing is, she gets space with our friends, and I get left sitting alone in the dorm.

In fact, today I called a male friend of ours and was like, lets grabbed food. Just me and him. While we were deciding where to go, my roommate showed up. It was dinner time, and I'm not so mean that I would tell her she couldn't come (which is what I would have had to do) so we all went out to eat. Sadly, I didn't get the time apart from her, hanging with a male friend, that I so desperately craved for. So, while she got to leave the room tonight to go hang out with the only people I would be able to call if I wanted to hang out with someone at this time of night, I'm left sitting in the room not even having that small reprieve from earlier.

So, I bitch to my male friend online, and he tells me I'm looking to much into things. And, he doesn't get that, while girls are not the root of all evil, we're pretty fucking mean to each other and me thinking she's going behind my back isn't completely crazy.

Is it? Please, please, someone tell me. Because I'm stuck between feeling like a bitch and feeling justified. :(
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