Oct 10, 2010 15:30

This serisouly beats everything. For the most silly subject we have at school (English Intro, a subject that was introduced because they couldn't fill in our hours otherwise, for real) we have to make an online language portfolio.

The website is a freaking joke though.

Did you know you write Franch with an 'a' instead of an 'e'?

And then you have to make choices (just an example of the learning vocabulary part);

- Making thematic lists of vocabulary
 0 I already do this  0  I have never done this

- Putting notes up on your bedroom wall with difficult words or sentences.
 0 I already do this    0 I have never done this

What kind of choice is this? I would have expected this to be useful in secondary school, but HBO??!

Hell, I'm not going to put notes on my freaking bedroom wall with difficult words or sentences. Not a chance in hell! And they actually expect me to make a proper dossier out of this stuff? I wouldn't want to be caught dead with this stuff and I definitely would not want to show it to my future employer!

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