
Sep 20, 2010 23:27

Who: The Crew of the Claudia
What: Beginning the air campaign against the Tetha Navy
When: Monday, September 20th, Midday
Where: Tetha Airspace

Tetha's navy had been on alert ever since the army's firebase destroyed the Royal Base. )

character: ruffntumblenut, character: vysethetamer, location: net ocean, character: sunsetsandwomen, character: icanhashat, character: code_witch, character: spitfirepirate

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[Aika's Team] spitfirepirate September 21 2010, 06:46:51 UTC
Just as Gilder had looked back to her, Aika looked back at C.C., Jayne, and all of their partners behind her. "That's us!" she called out. "LET'S DO IT!"

She tightened her grip on the rope, and she vaulted herself over the ship's railing. It was a short swing over to the other ship, but from there, it was no easy task. Time seemed to slow down for her as she flew through the air on the rope. She, Jayne, and C.C. were expected to seize the ship's bridge, which meant subduing the captain, after fighting their way across the deck and through the ship's halls.

It would be a short, brutal fight, and a lot could go wrong very quickly. She landed on the deck of the other boat in a crouch, her boomerang drawn. Behind her, Coronamon released his line and evolved to Firamon in midair, launching a series of Fira Bombs down on the deck amidst the defending avian crew.

Aika flashed him a grin, then looked behind her to make sure that Jayne and C.C. were able to make board safely. She'd never live it down if one of her team fell off the rope on her watch.


Re: [Aika's Team] icanhashat September 21 2010, 13:57:58 UTC
Jayne felt his stomach do flips as he launched himself from their ship down the the enemy. Keeping a gloved hand on the rope as he slid he fired off a couple controlled bursts from his favorite gun Vera peppering the awaiting enemy on the deck.

He bent his knees like a pro as he hit the deck hard with barely a grunt letting go of the rope. "Get yer ass down here!" He roared to his partner who didn't even bother with a rope. Patamon swooped down and evolved mid dive landing on the deck as Revolmon spreading his twin revolvers just as Jayne had taught him and picking the closest targets to shoot at.


Re: [Aika's Team] code_witch September 21 2010, 18:18:22 UTC
C.C. ... didn't even bother with the rope, as she was carried straight over the way via Witchmon. Setting the green haired woman down, Witchmon gave a roll of her eyes, muttering, "Lazy ass," before readying herself to take aim at the crewmen.

"AQUARI PRESSURE!" she exclaimed, unleashing powerful torrents of water from her hands, trying to slam their targets up against walls and railings.


Re: [Aika's Team] spitfirepirate September 21 2010, 18:34:52 UTC
"Great job, all of you!" Aika yelled above the chaos as she rose, swinging her boomerang like a blade into a Peckmon that was rushing towards her. "Now, push forward! Don't get caught up on the little guys! We've got bigger fish to fry!"

"And yet, 'chicken' would have been the more apt slur," Firamon groused, charging forward to put himself between the ship's defenders and his partners.

Aika rolled her eyes, and waved everyone forward. "MOVE! Don't lose sight of each other!" she yelled, and she sprinted across the deck of the ship towards the doors to the upper decks.


Re: [Aika's Team] icanhashat September 21 2010, 21:45:18 UTC
Revolmon was excited, his first real action as an evolved digimon! It was almost too much to handle! He fired off shots one after another sending Digisailors scrambling for cover or crying out for their mommies.

"This is too easy!" He declared which promptly earned him a kick in the face from Karma Via a Peckmon who slammed into his barrel and sent him spinning.

"Idiot." Jayne grunted and rained down unforgiving lead on the Peckmon sending the agile Digimon dashing back to avoid the bulletspam.

"I'm ok!" Revolmon declared and just to prove it he fired a "Justice bullet" attack from his barrel crashing through a pile of crates the crew was using for cover.

Jayne followed Aika at a distance opting to cover her rushing the cabin. Sooner the captain was captured the sooner he could get to looting.


Re: [Aika's Team] code_witch September 22 2010, 00:45:24 UTC
Another blast of Aquari Pressure came down upon those hiding that hadn't already been taken care of by Revolmon's attack. C.C. just gave her a small wave before dashing off behind Jayne and Aika. Witchmon's brow furrowed, and she grumbled beneath her breath.

"Of course, she leaves the hard work to me," she muttered, and then her eyes darted up... just in time to avoid being fried by a Birdramon's Meteor Wing. "INCOMING AIR!"

She ducked down, hitting the ground and scurrying up by a door frame towards the cannon as flames crashed against the deck. "...okay, getting a little too hot, now."


Re: [Aika's Team] spitfirepirate September 22 2010, 01:22:40 UTC
"KEEP GOING!" Aika yelled, and she looked at Jayne. "Expect resistance when you open the door. I'll cover you from the back!"

A red glow began to pulse off of Aika's hand, and she pointed towards Witchmon. "Moons, give her strength!" she called out, and the red glow from her hand erupted outward, surging into Witchmon and invigorating her and strengthening her against anything her foes might throw at her.

"We'll cover you, you mean!" Firemon announced as he jumped up. With a roar of "Fira Claw!" he shredded his talons through the Birdramon's hide.


Re: [Aika's Team] icanhashat September 22 2010, 03:08:03 UTC
"Oh sure let the big target open the door." Jayne growled in more of a joke then anything as she thundered across the space between him and the door. He stopped sharply and undid a grenade from his belt. It had better be the right room because it was about to get loud in a minute. He blasted the handle with his gun (so he wouldn't have to worry about any pesky locks) Jerked open the door threw his explosive in that slammed it shut and put his back to the wall waiting for the boom.


Re: [Aika's Team] code_witch September 22 2010, 03:39:09 UTC
"Yggdrasil bless you!" Witchmon shouted as she leaped back out into the fight... and then realized. She controlled water. She had fire being flung at her.

She turned towards the oncoming Birdramon. "Oh, duh. AQUARI PRESSURE!"

C.C. meanwhile, stayed back for just a moment as Jayne cleared the room. Oh, she COULD mention she'd probably be the best one to send first, due to the damage SHE could take if it came down to it...

But she was also curious as to how well they'd enter. And frankly, if he died that easily, he wouldn't be very interesting, would he?


Re: [Aika's Team] spitfirepirate September 22 2010, 06:13:42 UTC
"Gotta watch my team, right?" Aika called out to Witchmon, and then Jayne's grenades detonated. Aika whipped around and pointed to the door. "C.C.! Jayne's partner! Go with Jayne! Firamon, take the rear guard with me! Witchmon, hurry up or we're leaving you behind!"

She broke into a sprint to the door and kicked it open, reflexively ducking as she did so. Jayne's grenade had cleared the opposition, but it also brought a lot of attention. Several Digieggs littered the hall, and shouts were coming from the decks above and below. "We're going up!" she yelled, slamming her back against the doorframe and pointing down the hall to a narrow stairway. "Expect company, it's a choke point!"

Firemon closed in on the door behind Aika, flames whipping off of its hide in aggitation. "You know, you're going to give yourself a heart attack this way," he observed critically.

"Less passive aggression, more action!" Aika said, hurling her Boomerang across the deck at a gunner who looked to be aiming their way.


Re: [Aika's Team] icanhashat September 22 2010, 13:53:30 UTC
"Come on kid!" Jayne roared at his partner an the two opened fire on the hall before dashing down it. Anyone foolish enough to put a body part into the hall as the duo swiftly moved along it got bullets in reply.

Pausing at the corner Jayne and Revolmon took separate sides to watch each other's backs.

Jayne did a silent count with his fingers and they each whipped around into the hallway guns drawn ready to dive back into cover if needed.


Re: [Aika's Team] code_witch September 23 2010, 02:58:06 UTC
C.C. ... well, sort of continued to hang behind Jayne and Aika, while Witchmon came running up at Aika's call. "Coming! I'm com-"

She paused as she reached C.C. "What ARE you doing, anyway?"

C.C. waved a hand. "Powering you. Do you mind?"

Witchmon sighed, tossing out another pressured burst of water over Jayne and Revolmon's heads. A rather LARGE one, in fact, attempting to basically flood out the hallway and at least make the Digimon in it loose traction.


Re: [Aika's Team] spitfirepirate September 23 2010, 03:46:46 UTC
"Okay, good enough for me!" Aika yelled, catching her Boomerang on the way back and ducking into the hallway. "Every second we waste is another second that our crewmates have to fight! Up the stairs! MOVE!"

As Aika entered the hall, Coronamon covered her departure with his body, intercepting a shot meant for her back. He grunted and sneered, slashing a wave of fire across the deck before he moved in after them. Aika cast a worried look back at her partner, but he shot her a nod that reassured her, and she sighed in relief.

Meanwhile, atop the stairs, a small fireteam was waiting for the intruders, their weapons trained at the base of the stairs. They weren't going to make storming the bridge an easy proposition.


Re: [Aika's Team] icanhashat September 23 2010, 03:58:43 UTC
Jayne cursed in Chinese and ducked back as foolishly Revolmon opened fire with both revolvers and his chest firing small bullets around the large one before Jayne yanked him back around the corner where the cover was.

"If at first you don't succeed..." Jayne muttered pulling another grenade and counting before throwing it so they wouldn't have enough time to kick it back.


Re: [Aika's Team] code_witch September 23 2010, 04:10:06 UTC
Upon spying the fireteam, C.C. ducked back, finally deciding to pull out a small firearm as she crouched down behind Jayne as he chucked the grenade.

Okay. They seemed competent enough. While she could take it if she GOT shot, it wasn't something she was particularly looking to accomplish, either.

Witchmon darted out quickly, summoning a green mist between her palms. "POISON STORM!" she cried, and a jet of poison suddenly streamed up high, aiming for the faces of their opposition... around about the time the grenade would likely hit the ground.


Re: [Aika's Team] spitfirepirate September 23 2010, 04:55:19 UTC
At the top of the stairs, the reaction was pure panic. Between the grenades, the gunfire, and Witchmon's poison, the sailors were utterly decimated as they tried to get clear. But that wouldn't be the last of it. Aika was already rushing the stairs, using her team's attacks as cover.

The grenade detonated, and Aika rushed the stairs three at a time. Her boomerang began to glow red as she reached the top "Flames consume you!" she yelled, hurling her weapon down at the floor. "LAMDA BURST!"

The boomerang raced across the floor, flames leaping out of its wake and shooting out along the length of the bridge in an intense flashfire.


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