
Aug 18, 2010 00:39

Who: Various characters
What: The Last Stand of the Royal Base
When: September 13th
Where: Royal Base/Dokako

The time had come. )

plot: ravemon's darkness

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Phase 03 - The Heart of the Weapon [tactical] masterandhound August 18 2010, 06:42:37 UTC
Touma stood, at the point where he and the rest of the tactical squad members that had been selected were waiting. They'd been given a specific window of time for when they could move in... all there was to do was wait for the signal from the heavy brigade that their "distraction" had begun, and hope that Koushirou had managed to disable the security.

Touma was nervous. He was also afraid. Not of what he was going to face in there... but of what could happen if he failed.

Over these last few years... the Royal Base had become like a home to him.

And he wouldn't let it go without a fight.

Sighing, he turned to Sally. "Are you ready?" he asked his co-captain. "It won't be long."


Phase 03 - The Heart of the Weapon [tactical] princesstomboy August 18 2010, 06:51:45 UTC
Sally was looking over some readings, desperately wishing she had Nicole with her right now. A computer that could provide a friendly ear was definitely something she wanted.

But at the moment, she couldn't worry about that. She looked at Tohma, trying to put on a confident smile.

"I'm as ready as I can be," she replied.


Re: Phase 03 - The Heart of the Weapon [tactical] masterandhound August 18 2010, 06:54:31 UTC
Touma nodded, and turned to face the others.

"Like I said... it's almost time," he said. "Everyone, depending on how things go inside, we could be looking at straight infiltration or we could walk into a horde of enemies. But I'm confident you'll give it your all..."

He took a deep breath.

"Is everyone ready?"

((People can now go.))


Re: Phase 03 - The Heart of the Weapon [tactical] sclassedge August 19 2010, 04:39:41 UTC
Zero was up against a tree, staring out at the perceived point of entry. Ryuudamon was beside him, keeping quiet.

"Absolutely," Zero said. "Didn't get to finish the job last time; damn sure going to make sure it is THIS time."


Re: Phase 03 - The Heart of the Weapon [tactical] notanalchemist August 20 2010, 06:25:53 UTC
Maes, also, was examining the base, the entry, and the personnel. Labramon sat, shivering slightly, at his feet; the pup wasn't quite used to big operations like this. Privately Maes hoped it was pure infiltration, seeing as his partner hadn't hit Adult level yet.

He glanced down. He'll come through if he needs to.

"Ready!" he said cheerfully. "And if anyone needs a boost in morale I even brought extra pictures of my wonderful daughter!" Not that he expected anyone to take them, but hopefully it would lighten the mood.


Re: Phase 03 - The Heart of the Weapon [tactical] variabletamer August 23 2010, 03:46:29 UTC
X stood quietly next to Zero, keeping an eye on their surroundings. Veemon was perched on his shoulder, peering out toward the Tetha gun base.

"We're ready." X spoke up firmly. Veemon nodded vigorously from his perch on X.

X was nervous on the inside, and worried, but it was almost normal for him when getting ready to go into a heavily fortified enemy base. A sort of professional calm had settled over him during the wait at this staging area. But his concern about the outcome was enough that he'd donned his Ultimate Armor for this situation. This was was a situation for nothing less than his best.


Re: Phase 03 - The Heart of the Weapon [tactical] masterandhound August 24 2010, 02:54:23 UTC
Touma nodded... and then, he heard explosions in the distance. The moment had finally come, as he saw the Peacockmon guards rushing into battle with the Heavy Division.

"Come on," he said, rushing forward with Gaomon at his side. As it turned out, Koushirou had apparently been successful, as no proximity alarms were activated when they came closer... nor were they when Gaomon punched in the nearest door.

"... We're in luck," said Touma. "Come on... we need to get to the power core of the cannon... logic says that it's beneath the rest of the complex..."


Re: Phase 03 - The Heart of the Weapon [tactical] princesstomboy August 24 2010, 04:19:27 UTC
"Then below is where we have to go," Sally added, Pawn Chessmon at her side. "We need to move quickly, either way."

She followed Touma -- he was leading the way on this mission.


Re: Phase 03 - The Heart of the Weapon [tactical] sclassedge August 24 2010, 04:26:29 UTC
Zero took the hilt of his sword in hand, but didn't turn it on. He and Ryuudamon hung back a bit while he followed the rest.

"We'll cover the rear," he said, "but we've gotta move fast. They were on us in no time last trip once they caught wind we were there."


Re: Phase 03 - The Heart of the Weapon [tactical] variabletamer August 24 2010, 06:54:58 UTC
Veemon jumped down from X's shoulder as they moved in. X kept his buster at the ready as he moved in ahead of Zero. He didn't have anything to add, so he just kept an eye out for movement or any sign they'd been noticed.


Re: Phase 03 - The Heart of the Weapon [tactical] notanalchemist August 24 2010, 14:03:10 UTC
Maes covered Touma and Sally's other flank just ahead of X, eyes alert and all jokes put on hold. His primary weapon here was a handgun, which wouldn't exactly do much on its own, but he had his push-knives ready as backup and he'd been practicing with his digisoul on both.

Labramon was just ahead of him, nose to the floor, sniffing out anything that could or would be pertinent--or immediately dangerous.


[Scene advacnement! Because stealthing is kinda not all too fun to RP] dive_npc August 25 2010, 07:06:11 UTC
As the Heavy Unit's attack brought attention to their position, and also began to draw some attention from inside the facility, it was somewhat easier on the team to move in than it otherwise might have been. Of course, previous entry into the facility and the knowledge that entailed helped, too.

The facility itself not being especially large or complex, locating the power core was a simple task. Touma's estimate was right on the money, as it rested directly beneath the gun. A floor above them separated the chamber housing the core from the gun itself, and the bodies of working Digimon could be seen through grates in said flooring.

Touma's eyes darted around the core chamber. The coast seemed clear, but that also seemed a bit too easy...

"Quickly, but quietly," Touma said, motioning forward. "Set charges around the base of that core, but keep an eye out."

[ooc - Ken here on behalf of Raz, moving the thread to here per his request. ^_^ And, obviously, Touma is NPCed with his permission. :P I'll hold off on Zero for now, but tag ( ... )


Re: [Scene advacnement! Because stealthing is kinda not all too fun to RP] princesstomboy August 26 2010, 05:26:09 UTC
Sally nodded, she and PawnChessmon advancing slowly along the way toward the gun, charges in her hands. Her partner was ready to attack if need-be, keeping hands on her staff.

She moved swiftly but carefully, for she like Touma was worried. This could be far too easy.


Re: [Scene advacnement! Because stealthing is kinda not all too fun to RP] sclassedge August 26 2010, 05:34:33 UTC
Zero nodded, motioning for Ryuudamon to watch his back as he moved ahead, shadowing Sally. It was easy getting in the FIRST time, too.

And THAT certainly could have turned out better.

Not that he was wholly nervous; he'd dove head first into worse and come out. But he was definitely cautious.


variabletamer August 27 2010, 04:33:39 UTC
X moved further into the chamber, buster held at the ready as he kept an eye out, dividing his attention between watching the entrance and up through the grating. He motioned Veemon forward.

Veemon hurried forward, proceeding X, carrying his charges under his arm. X had his own charges clipped to his hip to keep his hands free.


notanalchemist August 27 2010, 06:20:54 UTC
Maes set Labramon to keep his nose to the air and stay just in front of him while they moved quickly and stealthily around the edge of the wall, aiming for the farther edge of the weapon.

It was the longest stretch of ground and he was used to this kind of action. Most of the people he was with were kids; better him than them if something happened.


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