
Aug 18, 2010 00:39

Who: Various characters
What: The Last Stand of the Royal Base
When: September 13th
Where: Royal Base/Dokako

The time had come. )

plot: ravemon's darkness

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[Scene advacnement! Because stealthing is kinda not all too fun to RP] dive_npc August 25 2010, 07:06:11 UTC
As the Heavy Unit's attack brought attention to their position, and also began to draw some attention from inside the facility, it was somewhat easier on the team to move in than it otherwise might have been. Of course, previous entry into the facility and the knowledge that entailed helped, too.

The facility itself not being especially large or complex, locating the power core was a simple task. Touma's estimate was right on the money, as it rested directly beneath the gun. A floor above them separated the chamber housing the core from the gun itself, and the bodies of working Digimon could be seen through grates in said flooring.

Touma's eyes darted around the core chamber. The coast seemed clear, but that also seemed a bit too easy...

"Quickly, but quietly," Touma said, motioning forward. "Set charges around the base of that core, but keep an eye out."

[ooc - Ken here on behalf of Raz, moving the thread to here per his request. ^_^ And, obviously, Touma is NPCed with his permission. :P I'll hold off on Zero for now, but tag him in before work if no one else beats me to it so I don't hold anyone up.]


Re: [Scene advacnement! Because stealthing is kinda not all too fun to RP] princesstomboy August 26 2010, 05:26:09 UTC
Sally nodded, she and PawnChessmon advancing slowly along the way toward the gun, charges in her hands. Her partner was ready to attack if need-be, keeping hands on her staff.

She moved swiftly but carefully, for she like Touma was worried. This could be far too easy.


Re: [Scene advacnement! Because stealthing is kinda not all too fun to RP] sclassedge August 26 2010, 05:34:33 UTC
Zero nodded, motioning for Ryuudamon to watch his back as he moved ahead, shadowing Sally. It was easy getting in the FIRST time, too.

And THAT certainly could have turned out better.

Not that he was wholly nervous; he'd dove head first into worse and come out. But he was definitely cautious.


variabletamer August 27 2010, 04:33:39 UTC
X moved further into the chamber, buster held at the ready as he kept an eye out, dividing his attention between watching the entrance and up through the grating. He motioned Veemon forward.

Veemon hurried forward, proceeding X, carrying his charges under his arm. X had his own charges clipped to his hip to keep his hands free.


notanalchemist August 27 2010, 06:20:54 UTC
Maes set Labramon to keep his nose to the air and stay just in front of him while they moved quickly and stealthily around the edge of the wall, aiming for the farther edge of the weapon.

It was the longest stretch of ground and he was used to this kind of action. Most of the people he was with were kids; better him than them if something happened.


masterandhound August 28 2010, 03:20:00 UTC
Touma looked around, covering their entrance. If anyone came after them from outside the base, it would be through there.

Then he realized something.

There were no engineers. In fact... the room was dark. Not pitch dark, but darker than he expected a place like this to be...

Something could easily hide in here. Especially if it were... dark colored.

Eyes widening, he ran for the nearest switch on a wall. The lights suddenly flared on, and in so, revealed...


dive_npc August 28 2010, 03:21:17 UTC
Ten BlackPeckmon, all of them clinging to the cieling of the powercore room, staring down at them with kunai in their wings.

Seeing full well that they'd been discovered, they rained down their sharp, explosive weaponry on the tactical squad members below.


sclassedge August 28 2010, 05:19:04 UTC
"Ahhh, that's about right," was all Zero got out before he spun around, flicking on his Z-Saber. He did not swing with it, but instead brought up his other hand, now converted into a buster. "No melee! They explode!" he spat out before releasing a volley of shots to try and deflect the kunai.

Ryuudamon flashed with a bright light, evolving into Ginryuumon, and spitting a spear up towards one of the BlackPeckmon.


notanalchemist August 28 2010, 14:55:06 UTC
Zero's warning had good timing--Maes's gun came up to blow the kunai away instead of deflect them like he'd planned. The man had his back to the wall, Labramon huddled at his feet, whining at the fact that he couldn't smell the BlackPeckmon through the scents of metal and grease.

In a brief pause between volleys Maes's eyes caught on the weapon. Hmm.

Without giving himself much time to think he reached down, grabbed Labramon by the scruff of the neck and launched them both towards the weapon. If the kunai could explode, then maybe either the BlackPeckmon would have to stop using them while aiming in the weapon's direction--or they'd do the team's job for them.


princesstomboy August 29 2010, 04:57:57 UTC
Sally worked on defense instead, activating her D-Comm's shield and looking through her D-Reader, realizing a Licht Kugel gauntlet while Pawn Chessmon evolved to Knight Chessmon. The shield fell and they both attacked, Sally with a burst of holy energy and Knight Chessmon with a flying dart.


variabletamer August 29 2010, 05:44:38 UTC
X dodged to the side for the few seconds it took to charge up his buster, then unleashed a fully charged shot at the cluster of Peckmon clinging to the ceiling. Any explosive kunai in the path of the blast would either disintegrate, or explode harmlessly out of range.

Veemon yelped and dove for cover under Ryuudamon's belly. As he crouched there, gripping his charges tightly, he eyed the distance to the weapon core. If he evolved, he'd be a bigger target, and he'd have more trouble setting the charges. They still needed to plant the charges before more guards showed up, and if everyone else was fighting, then he'd have to make sure at least his charges got set.


dive_npc August 30 2010, 04:12:08 UTC
With the attacks leveled against him, the Peckmon scattered, which caused the attacks to hit the cielings and send dust and debris raining down. Amidst the chaos, the creatures jogressed...

Five became a large, armored black lion. The other five took the form of an Orochimon. Together they lashed out, with the lion digimon attacking Touma with its chainsaw, while the Orochimon breathed out a burst of alcoholic fire.


masterandhound August 30 2010, 04:21:52 UTC
Touma's eyes widened, and Gaomon had to pull him to safety as the chainsaw came down.

"What... what the hell is that?!" Touma exclaimed, as he stared at the digimon. "I've never seen that digimon before...!

"Master!" shouted Gaomon. "We can't worry about that now!"

Touma nodded... and evolved Gaomon straight to MachGaogamon, who attacked the lion with a high speed punch.


sclassedge August 30 2010, 05:41:50 UTC
"Whatever it is, it's not gonna be there long!" Zero shouted, light flashing briefly around him as his crimson armor turned black. Another flash of light and Ginryuumon evolved into Hisharyuumon.

Zero rolled to the side, avoiding Orochimon's fire, while Hisharyuumon darted towards the lion Digimon, trying to wrap his body around its legs.


princesstomboy September 1 2010, 02:22:07 UTC
"Knight Chessmon!" Sally yelled, signaling the evolution to Rook Chessmon. Immediately, again going the defense route, Rook Chessmon put up a Castle Wall shield, to lessen the effects of Orochimon's attack, hopefully. "Everyone definitely unable to escape the attack, behind here!"

In the meantime, she searched her D-Reader for another upgrade. They were going to need the big guns here, especially since the Castle Wall would not last long.


variabletamer September 2 2010, 01:41:37 UTC
X dashed to the side, then leaped into the air and air-dashed to avoid the liquid flame attack. He fired off another charged shot at one of Orochimon's nearest heads before dashing again.

As Ginryuumon evolved, Veemon made a break for the bulk of the core while everyone else kept the two massive digimons' attention.


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