
Apr 20, 2010 16:43

Who: Tiffany, Sandy, Ryu, Mayaa, partners, [Open to everyone, everything, anyone, anything, bring it]
What: Spring has sprung, the grass has risen
When: April 21st, Afternoon
Where: Inside and outside the Funbari Onsen
This is what we call a slice of life. )

character: iriomotewarrior, character: justoutrunyou, location: tetha, character: pompadourpower, character: hctiwknip

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asakura_flower April 20 2010, 23:59:04 UTC
Yes, yes, relaxing was very good, but in a place like the Funbari Onsen, it wasn't made to last. Especially when it housed a small impulsive blonde shaman and his companions.

Said blonde shaman had just returned from training. Feeling hot and sticky, he'd decided a bath was in order, then his chores, then maybe another bath, then sleep, then play, then food and finally bed. Perhaps with a few more food and sleep trips dotted here and there.

Having removed his training weights and footwear at the door, he'd trotted towards the baths. After tugging off his sweaty shirt, he'd pulled a face at his own stink and increased his speed, ditching his shirt where it landed. His socks and pants followed in suit. Someone would pick them up later. Mainly Ryu.

Without the faintest thought of knocking, he burst into the bath boxer-clad, before swifting removing those moments before splashing into the bath.

Aaaaaah~ Much better. Though, he really should wash before getting in. Oh well, better late than never, so long as mother didn't find out.

Making a move to get out and hit the open showers, he still hadn't noticed the other blonde in the water yet.


1/2 hctiwknip April 21 2010, 00:08:28 UTC
The splash sent a wave of water washing over Tiffany soaking her completely.

She twitched for a moment and puckered her lips spitting out the mineral rich water in a steady stream before opening an eye preparing to lecture Sandy about how rude it was to cannonball into the hotspring...as this had happened to her on more then one occasion...


2/2 hctiwknip April 21 2010, 00:10:10 UTC
Only for her eyes to snap wide open and to let out a squeak of shock at who had actually arrived. Her face lit up like a tomato and she suddenly realized that she hadn't wrapped herself in a towel as usual. She had expected to have the springs to herself...or at least to only be visited by the other women of the Onsen.


asakura_flower April 21 2010, 00:17:38 UTC
Hana paused on his way to the shower, pulling a look of confusion and looking around before spotting Tiffany. Unfazed, he grinned, seemingly forgetting the situation (or simply not caring). "Hi, Tiff-chan." He said pleasantly before pulling himself out of the bath and making his nude way towards the hose-like devices, stools and array of body cleaning liquids.

Wetting his hair, he turned to keep smiling at her as he spoke. "Did you need to wash your hair, too?"


hctiwknip April 21 2010, 00:23:47 UTC
Tiffany's brain...as often as she thought of it as her best feature, seemed to have screeched to a halt. All she could do was shake her head, her hair was freshly washed after all and smelling rather tasty considering.

Slowly the thought process kicked on again...Hana was shameless this much she knew. He was ultimately still a kid no matter how strongly she felt for him.

That's what the logical part of her mind was trying to say...it was lost however under the screaming of her panicking easily embarrassed part of her, the amused and giddy side of her mostly run by hormones that was enjoying the view...and the part of her that was dismayed at how sharply she'd gone from relaxed to tense.

With a cough, face still bright red she politely averted her gaze from her young love interest and focused on using her magic to summon a towel across the airspace to her from her bath bucket where all her soaps and shampoo was. Her magic wasn't co-operating as she wasn't focused though and the towel fell short about half way.


asakura_flower April 21 2010, 00:43:43 UTC
While Hana was busy rubbing his head with such ferocity that had not been instructed on the bottle and covered his hair in a thick layer of white mush, he failed to notice Tiffany's increased agitation.

After using what seemed like liters of water to simply wash the suds out of his hair, he appeared to take on the appearance of what can only be described as a wet dog. Noticing Tiffany look away he attempted to gain the attention of his friend by shaking like the mutt he appeared to be, effectively making his already wild hair now look like he'd just fought a whirlwind and lost, and grinning brightly at her.

Distracted by the towel making it's own way across the room, he blinked in confusion and made his way over. Poking it in childish curiosity, running a hand through his messy mane in thought, before shrugging and picking it up to place it back on a hanger.

Sitting down on a stool, he grabbed the body soap and began lathering up, making a jab at conversation. "Did Tiff-chan go to that M.A.G.G.Y place today?" His back to her, he spoke cheerfully, unaware he'd gotten the name wrong (or possibly uncaring - after his brief spat with Kat, he didn't really care for the school).


hctiwknip April 21 2010, 01:01:11 UTC
Tiffany couldn't help but notice Hana's actions and giggling at his resemblance to a dog. When he put the towel even further out of her reach she just sighed and sunk up to her neck in the water willing him not to look at her, her face still so red it resembled a tomato.

"I-it's M.A.G.I." She corrected him and smiled warmly, his attitude was infectious to the point that she almost forgot he was naked (Almost...a tiny bit...not really) "Miss Kat has been recovering from an incident so I've mostly been working alone in the library on things. Luna is there sometimes but lately she's been busy at the Inn. Phascomon keeps me company when he's awake." She explained watching him lather up, the blush faded faintly as she relaxed once more, talking with Hana did that to her.


asakura_flower April 21 2010, 01:11:01 UTC
Splashing himself with water, Hana reached the final act of running a small amount of conditioner through his hair before washing that out too. Throughout he listened patiently to Tiffany's recollection, making little noises of acknowledgment since she couldn't see his face.

Finally, feeling at a clean enough standard, he hopped off the stool and took a running jump back into the bath. Disappearing under the water.

For the longest time, the liquid was calm.

Before a small trickle of bubbles appeared, followed by a large group before Hana burst his head out, taking a huge gulp of air as he emerged opposite Tiffany by a few feet or so. Grinning happily, he relaxed into the water. "Warm~"


hctiwknip April 21 2010, 01:18:30 UTC
Tiffany let out a yell as she was once more splashed with water. Her meticulously piled hair now drifted around her in the water like thick yellow seaweed. She sighed and squished the water out of it watching the surface for Hana's return and counting to see how long he was under for in case he needed rescue.

When he burst out she laughed and then stopped mid laugh realizing that she was in fact yes...still naked. And so was he. And now he was close to her...just a few feet away. And the water did little to hide her developing chest.

With a squeak and another wash of blush she wrapped her arms around herself and backed up to the edge of the hotspring unable to meet Hana's eyes again.


asakura_flower April 21 2010, 20:02:04 UTC
His head just out of the water, Hana gave a chuckle, causing bubbles to froth around his mouth. Spotting Tiffany edge away from him, he tilted his head, looking concerned at her actions.

He half stepped, half swam a few inches closer. Eyes fixed on her intently, as if trying to peer into her mind. He remained like that for awhile, mouth close to the water, blowing bubbles in thought as he tried to figure her discomfort (not that he knew it was that) out. Eventually, he ran out of breath and he took another gasp of air before dunking his head in the water face first, partially out of frustration, mainly for fun.

When he brought his face back up, he was smiling. Dipping his mouth in the water, his cheeks expanded before he brought his lips back out, puckering them and squirting Tiffany right between the eyes at the top of her nose.


hctiwknip April 22 2010, 03:11:26 UTC
Tiffany let out another squeal and couldn't help but laugh as she flailed in a futile attempt to stem the water flow, "Oh you're gonna get it now!" She declared swimming forward and slapping the water to splash at him, the distraction allowing her for a moment to forget her shame and embarrassment at being completely exposed.


asakura_flower April 22 2010, 15:30:21 UTC
Hana barked with laughter, disappearing under the water once more to avoid her assault, popping up again vibrantly at her side just a foot or so away. His re-emergence showering her with water as he continued to grin, cupping his hands and splashing her face.


hctiwknip April 22 2010, 15:45:37 UTC
Tiffany let out another squeal flailing and falling over backwards with a splash.

She cupped her hands together and squished spraying a perfect stream of water at him in retaliation a flushed grin on her face, the calmness of the bath obliterated by their play.


asakura_flower April 22 2010, 16:07:36 UTC
Looking worried as she fell, Hana approached her before quickly being forced backwards by the incoming water.

Hana's laughter filled the hot, steamy air. Reaching out, he managed to gently get ahold of some of Tiffany's hair that was flowing in the water. "Tiff-chan has long hair."


hctiwknip April 22 2010, 16:13:39 UTC
Tiffany stopped flailing so he wouldn't accidentally pull her hair and blushed her big blue eyes meeting his, "D-do you like my hair Hana?" She asked sweetly.


asakura_flower April 22 2010, 16:16:46 UTC
Twirling it in his fingers, Hana giggled and nodded, smiling brightly at her. "Yeh. It's cool." They were less than an arm's reach away from each other, but Hana's didn't seem to notice as her batted the soft locks about the water.


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