
Nov 27, 2009 01:43

Who: Shiba Takeru, Gaav, partners
What: Wandering & Encounter
When: November 27th, Afternoon
Where: Asuka

Takeru was having a very bad week. )

character: shinken_red, location: asuka, character: maryuu_ou

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3/3 - [last video post, swears] shinken_red November 29 2009, 07:58:05 UTC

A white, flowing coat appeared around Takeru. He attached black device, the Inroumaru, onto his sword's handguard, before inserting the Shishi Disc into it.


"Super Shinken Red and Firamon...!" the Adult lion roared.

"Going forth," Takeru finished, leveling the blade at Gaav once more.


Re: 3/3 - [last video post, swears] maryuu_ou November 30 2009, 06:24:03 UTC
... Gaav just laughed.

"Let me tell you something my friend," replied Gaav. "There's a bit of a power ceiling in this world... and no matter what enhancements you drag out, I'm afraid you'll always be limited...!"

He threw his head back and laughed.


With renewed vigor, he and Ralzark charged at their respective opponents, fire igniting along Gaav's blade as the Growmon performed an electrically charged Plasma Blade slash.


shinken_red November 30 2009, 08:20:28 UTC
Takeru didn't so much as flinch at the oncoming enemy. He just brought his blade up, saying quickly, "You talk too much," before dashing ahead. "SUPER SHINKENMARU!"

Flames ignited from his own blade wildly in an attack significantly stronger than the earlier Raiden no Mai. "Shin Kaen no Mai!"" he cried before bringing his sword to meet Gaav's.

Firamon, on the other hand, didn't move for a moment as Ralzark charged him. At the last instance, he dodged to the side, leaving the large rock that he had been hiding behind a few moments ago as the only thing in Ralzark's path.

"Fighting wildly can only take you so far," remarked Firamon.


maryuu_ou November 30 2009, 08:25:00 UTC
"Who's only fighting wildly?!" roared Ralzark, as his slash tore through the rock. As rubble flew up, he swung his body around, batting the debris towards Firamon.

Gaav looked elated as their two blades clashed, both of them seemingly evenly matched. So, as he held his blade locked with Takeru's, he brought up his knee, using his digi-soul to remain grounded while simultaneously driving the blow at where Takeru was holding his blade.


shinken_red November 30 2009, 08:33:01 UTC
Takeru wasn't about to just stand there with their blades locked, though. Moving with a considerable extra swiftness than he was earlier, Super Shinken Red stepped back, disengaging his sword from Gaav's while flipping it around in his hand. He quickly sidestepped to try and avoid the path of Gaav's own blade, before jamming his burning sword, instead at Gaav's knee.

Firamon was... struck right in the head with a piece of debris, and fell back a bit. "Is throwing rocks the best you can manage?!" he shouted, before jumping into the air, wings keeping him aloft, before crying out, "FIRA BOMB!" unleashing the attack straight down at the dragon.


maryuu_ou December 1 2009, 00:48:15 UTC
The blow struck Gaav's armored kneecap (which he wore underneath his suit), but nevertheless, it caused Gaav to flinch and grunt in pain. He recovered quickly though, slamming his foot against the ground and swinging his fist at Takeru's jawline.

"Is throwing attack after attack yours?!" roared the Growmon, as he charged into the flaming lion's attack. He charged up his Plasma Blades, tearing through the ball of fire - all the while incurring damage to himself - so he could get in closer and launch an Exhaust Flame at his opponent.


shinken_red December 1 2009, 07:02:55 UTC
"No," Firamon said simply, as he was already rolling in the air after launching his attack to avoid retaliation, thus dodging to the side from the wave of flames. "As for what I AM doing, well... you're obviously far too young! FIRA BOMB!" Taking aim and hoping Ralzark would be momentarily at a disadvantage firing his attack in the air when he was NOT an airborne creature, Firamon heaved out the attack again.

Gaav's fist connected, sending Takeru back, and making him flip over and... well, he was able to land, unsteadily, dropping down to one knee and breathing heavily. This... creature was an eyesore, and severely testing his patience. He was at least as good as some of his tougher opponents, but it was probably true his frustrations were likely getting to him, also ( ... )


maryuu_ou December 1 2009, 07:17:33 UTC
"... Hahahahaha," laughed Gaav. "I have no claim here. My goal? Is to end the threat against the multiverse, and thus, my own existence. In the end, I desire power for power's sake... prestige, the fulfillment of base desires... But then, you are right. I have no claim in this world, other than my own existence... an existence that I will see validated through combat!"

Fire and digi-soul swirled around his sword, which he swung at Takeru, all of it arcing out like a draconic blade.

"IT IS ONLY THROUGH BLOOD AND TEARS THAT I WILL ENSURE MY OWN SURVIVAL! I will not be pulled into the abyss of death again!"

Firamon's gambit proved fruitful, and Ralzark was blasted off his feet with a loud cry of anger.


shinken_red December 1 2009, 07:32:57 UTC
Takeru watched the attack coming in for him, and... jumped back, leaving a cloud of dust behind him. And when he landed, he spun the Super Shinkenmaru around and...

Hooked it back to his belt, turning around and making a motion towards Firamon, who was about to capitalize on Ralzark's moment of weakness.

"Shishi," he said, half-turning, and throwing a look at Gaav. "We're done here. I don't have the time to waste with this pointlessness."

And, then, he turned around completely and began to walk, not even waiting for signs that the attacks might stop.

Firamon blinked, before flying down after Takeru. "U- um! Tono, wait!"


maryuu_ou December 1 2009, 07:35:50 UTC
"... What...?!"

Gaav took a step forward, his digisoul flickering for a moment. "What the hell are you doing?! COME BACK HERE!"

Ralzark roared and stood up, breathing an exhaust flame at the two.

"Don't you value your own lives?!" the crimson dragon roared.


shinken_red December 1 2009, 07:47:15 UTC
Firamon's eyes widened, and he dropped to the ground, firing off another Fira Bomb to counter the Exhaust flame, causing an explosion to erupt in-between them.

Takeru didn't seem at all concerned about the explosion, and only turned a bit to look back at Gaav, but only slightly.

"You're not the one I have to beat to leave this place. You won't get me any closer to protecting my home or comrades. You are nothing to me, this battle means nothing to me, and that I can even come close to matching you on any level shows me that you're not the enemy I have to destroy to accomplish these things... such a force would certainly be far greater."

He paused, turning back around to continue walking. What Fuwa Juuzou had said to him in the path may have held some truth, he may not care much about his life...

But he wasn't about to throw it away too recklessly, here, when the future and the fate of his own world was now so uncertain.

"In short... you're irritating me. Go away."


maryuu_ou December 1 2009, 07:57:41 UTC
"You son of a bitch!" roared Ralzark. "Dammit, Gaav! We'll kill this bastard! Make me evolve, right now!"

"... No."

Ralzark spun around to face his master. "What?! They've given up! There's no reason not to!"

"... If I did that, such a victory would validate nothing. Fighting Inverse, trying to conquer a kingdom, those are one thing... but hollow cruelty is not what I'm about."

"IT'S WHAT I'M ABOUT!" roared Ralzark, stomping his feet in anger. "GAAV, EVOLVE ME, DAMMIT! EVOLVE ME!"

Gaav just sneered at his partner... and in a flash the digimon evolved. With that, the demon dragon king turned and began to walk away.

"YGGDRASIL DAMN YOU!" screamed the Guilmon, following after him with a growl of frustration.


maryuu_ou December 1 2009, 08:04:14 UTC
((errr, that is, Ralzark devolved.))


shinken_red December 1 2009, 08:08:43 UTC
Super Shinken Red kept walking, but stopped as he noticed his partner wasn't following him, but instead intently watching Ralzark and Gaav. "That's enough. Lets go. We're wasting daylight."

Firamon looked back at him. "But, Tono-sama..."

Takeru just stared at him. And though Firamon couldn't see his expression past the helmet, he sighed and nodded, beginning to follow his master.

Takeru's hand, though, was still resting on the hilt of his Shinkenmaru. He was fully prepared for his action enraging Gaav, and the possibility of him having to defend himself.

In fact, there was a slight part of him that was almost hoping Gaav would have done just that... but he did his best to ignore that, and continued marching on. He had a long way to go, and little time travel it in.


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