
Nov 27, 2009 01:43

Who: Shiba Takeru, Gaav, partners
What: Wandering & Encounter
When: November 27th, Afternoon
Where: Asuka

Takeru was having a very bad week. )

character: shinken_red, location: asuka, character: maryuu_ou

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maryuu_ou November 27 2009, 06:54:10 UTC
Suddenly, a sword stuck out of the foliage, blocking Takeru's path. It was followed by Gaav sauntering out, a large grin on his face.

"Well then," said the demon dragon. "What do we have here?"


shinken_red November 27 2009, 07:08:03 UTC
Instinctively, Shishi jumped in front of his master, while Takeru took a step back, hand falling to his hip as if he were to draw a sword, despite there not being one in sight.

The Digimon gave an audible growl, while Takeru's eyes narrowed.

"I could ask the same of you," he said, shortly.


maryuu_ou November 27 2009, 07:10:01 UTC
"Just a wanderer, out to sharpen his skills," replied Gaav with a laugh. His partner fidgeted eagerly.

"I am Gaav... the Demon Dragon King. But I doubt that title means anything to you."


shinken_red November 27 2009, 07:39:44 UTC
Takeru's scowl deepened. "...Demon Dragon King...?"

He knew that various sorts from various worlds lived here. It would stand to reason there would be SOMETHING like the Gedoushuu, but to run into one so soon...

"Make your point, or leave my sight," Takeru said, bluntly.


maryuu_ou November 27 2009, 08:33:59 UTC
"Like I said... I'm here to sharpen my skills. And you, my friend, are the stone upon which my blade shall be whet."

Ralzark grinned viciously.

"He has power... this should be fun..."


shinken_red November 27 2009, 09:10:15 UTC
"Do you not know who you're dealing with?!" Shishi spat, tiny fists balled up. "This man is Shiba Takeru-sama, 18th head of the Shiba clan, leader of the Samurai Sentai--"

"Shishi," Takeru interjected. "Quiet."

The Coronamon winced, but nodded. Takeru stayed silent, not breaking his pose, and merely staring down this... man, demon, or whatever he may have been.


maryuu_ou November 27 2009, 17:31:42 UTC
"Oh, so this is someone of prominence. I seem to have picked an excellent opponent."

He brandished his sword at the samurai. "Then it's only fair you know more about me. I am Demon Dragon Gaav, former servant of the Dark Lord Shabranigdo, and future ruler of all that I desire...!"

"And I'm Ralzark!" snapped the Guilmon. "I hurt people!"

"Simple, but true to his word," Gaav laughed...

... before sending a blast of fire at Takeru with a wave of his sword.


1/2 shinken_red November 29 2009, 03:34:02 UTC
Both human and Digimon rolled out of the way, in either direction, the young man coming to a stop a hair's breath away from the wave of fire. He had certain seen FAR stranger than that, and he was already expecting attack, so his expression did not flinch.

"Shishi," he said, rising up as he flipped out his ShoudouPhone. "Deal with the reptile."

He folded the device in half, and a pen protruded from it, which he promptly began to use to write a glowing, red kanji for "fire" in the air. "IPPITSU SOUJOU!"


2/2 shinken_red November 29 2009, 03:35:33 UTC
Fire and power flashing around him, the kanji formed a protective suit of red and black around Takeru's body. Drawing the sword that was now at his side, he set the flat side of it on his shoulder, leveling his gaze at Gaav.

"Shinken Red, Shiba Takeru," he said with the utmost calmness, and pointed the sword down towards the Demon Dragon King. "Going forth."


Re: 2/2 maryuu_ou November 29 2009, 04:35:05 UTC
"... Interesting. So you derive your power from that writing, hm?"

Gaav laughed at this, before surging forward, aiming a thrust at the samurai's mid-section.

Ralzark let out an excited howl, firing a blast of flame at the Coronamon.


shinken_red November 29 2009, 05:30:23 UTC
Shinken Red brought his sword down to catch Gaav's, bracing himself for the impact, but still somewhat surprised at the Mazoku's power. Still, he didn't show it much in his body motion. Pushing back and leaping back half a foot, he then lunged forward, cutting down low.

He-who-was-once-the-Shishi-Origami rolled back, narrowly avoiding being burnt by Ralzark's blast. He scowled. To be stuck in a form like this, how was he supposed to...

Suddenly, something sparked in his mind, and he.. knew exactly what he was capable of. Dashing ahead, he came upon Ralzark, and threw a burning fist out. "COROKNUCKLE!"


maryuu_ou November 29 2009, 05:34:53 UTC
Gaav was as fast as he was forceful, managing to twist around and block the lower slash with a downward sweep of his own. The fire lit up in the demon dragon's eyes, and he then attempted to push forward, to knock Takeru off of his feet.

Ralzark let out a yell as he was hit by the punch... only to lash out just as quickly with a fiery sweep of his claws.


shinken_red November 29 2009, 05:42:50 UTC
Shinken Red fell back a few feet, but used the chance to fall back a bit further than the knock would have knocked him otherwise. He needed a second of breathing room. He felt what sort of force this creature had... and he wasn't much in a mood for prolonging things longer than necessary.

Slowly beginning to circle, he flipped open his belt buckle and pulled out an off-white disc, which he slid down on the hilt, connecting it to the blade's handguard.


Fire VS fire. Not when he was unaware of this person's full power, he couldn't expect to simply overcome that so easily with his own flames... so he lunged forward, spinning the disc on his sword, sending lightning dancing down the length of the blade.

"RAIDEN NO MAI!"He swung, swiftly, in a sideways arc. If he blocked with his sword, Takeru was hoping the metal of the sword would conduct the attack's current ( ... )


maryuu_ou November 29 2009, 05:46:11 UTC
Gaav's eyes lit up with interest at the sight of this, and a large grin spread across his face. He moved to counter... but not with his sword. Just as the blade was a hair's breadth of connection...


Demonic fire burst forth from the Mazoku's hand, exploding against Takeru and his electrified sword.

"Like I said," Ralzark said with a cackle. "I like to HURT people. I live for the sensation of causing other people pain...! There's no thrill like it!"


shinken_red November 29 2009, 05:52:36 UTC
Takeru had no room to avoid the blast. His blade struck the blast, and the explosion tossed the Red Shinkenger back across the ground. He slammed into it, rolling back for a few feet until he came to a rest, smoke rising from his body.

Coronamon was about to address Ralzark with disdain, when Takeru was struck. "TONO-SAMA!"

The Digimon turned his gaze back towards Ralzark, and snarled again, the headband on his head glowing brightly. "PETIT PROMINENCE!" he shouted, firing a blast from it at the reptile.

Takeru groaned in pain, pushing himself, jamming his sword in the ground and using it to support himself until he was up kneeling. Keeping a close eye on Gaav, he pulled the lightning disc off his Shinkenmaru and came back to his feet. Ignoring his pain, he dashed towards the Demon Dragon King, slapping the Shishi Disc back on the hilt before he raised the sword high, slapping the disc to spin it.


Flames exploded from the sword before... it grew, into a sword nearly as large and long as Takeru himself in ( ... )


maryuu_ou November 29 2009, 05:55:12 UTC
Gaav's eyes widened, and he brought up his sword to block... only managing to summon a protecting bolstering of digi-soul to stand up against the massive blade. He staggered back, having been put on the defensive for now...

Ralzark, meanwhile, fired a Fireball into Shishi's attack, using the resulting cloud of dust and debris to mask his forward charge, swinging his flaming claws.



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