Cooking With Ashton Anchors

Feb 04, 2008 18:59

Who: Ashton and Azula
What: Cooking lessons?
When: February 4th, shortly before noon.
Where: Azula and Sokka's place, Tetha

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x_royalflame February 5 2008, 03:46:24 UTC
Azula opened the door, smiling brightly. She had her hair tied up in a high ponytail and was wearing Sokka's clothes. Better to get his clothes all messy than hers, right?

"Welcome~!" She greeted him. From her spot on the couch, Renamon groaned.

"Don't tell me you're going to be shoving things down my throat all day"

"Shut up," Azula snapped darkly at her partner, but then regained her previous, almost creepily happy composure.


scarybarrellove February 5 2008, 03:53:52 UTC
Ashton smiled warmly in greeting to Azula and nodded. "Good afternoon, Azula," he said. "I hope I'm not too early."

Gyoro and Ururun grinned down at her from over Ashton's shoulders and gave a loud grunt in greeting.

Dracomon peeked past Azula to look at Renamon, then he laughed. "I wouldn't worry too much. Ashton'll eat anything, the dragons on his back usually don't let him eat on his own," he told her.

Ashton chuckled and shook his head, reaching up to pat Gyoro and Ururun on the head before he reached down to clap Dracomon on the back. "Seriously, a good teacher has faith in his student. I'll be happy to eat whatever you prepare with my instruction. I'm sure you'll do fine," he said with a friendly tone. "And like I promised, I'll make the dish first so you can have a full stomach before we begin. Why don't you tell me what you've been trying to make, and we can start from there?"


x_royalflame February 5 2008, 04:16:55 UTC
She closed the door behind him. The dragons didn't phase her much, she kind of missed seeing real dragons, since they were extinct and all in the Fire Nation.

"Well, I tried to make decent mashed potatoes, but I failed...six times. I tried to cook some steaks, but that was even more of an epic failure...And then there was my demon cookies as Renamon was calling them...They were supposed to be chocolate chip..."


scarybarrellove February 5 2008, 04:20:05 UTC
"Steak, potatoes, and cookies you say? Hmmm, not a bad sounding menu," Ashton observed. "The steak might be a little complicated for a first-timer, but I bet that I can help turn that around if you're determined to do it. Is it all right if Dracomon grabs a seat somewhere? He's here to help me keep from getting lost..."

Dracomon laughed openly at Ashton at that.


x_royalflame February 5 2008, 12:46:44 UTC
"He can keep Renamon company. Don't be surprised if she tries to use him as target practice though. She's usually only happy if we're fighting something or Sokka and I are arguing," Azula explained. Renamon rolled her eyes.

"Not my fault your boyfriend is a complete moron," She stated boredly.

"But yeah...I guess steak was sort of complicated...But all Sokka ever wants to eat is meat. He prides himself in being the 'meat and sarcasm' guy..."


scarybarrellove February 5 2008, 15:52:12 UTC
"Oh, feisty!" Dracomon said, his tone completely loaded with over-emphasis as he looked at Renamon. "I can handle myself ( ... )


x_royalflame February 6 2008, 03:45:41 UTC
"It wouldn't be worth my time," Renamon crossed her legs and arms, turning away from Dracomon.

"...On his knees begging me...?" Azula questioned, a smirk on her lips as she imagined Sokka at her feet begging for her to cook for him. She liked that mental image. She liked it a lot. Azula laughed, pushing the image, although enjoyable, off to the side, "I don't really care what we make, as long as its actually edible. My brother and Renamon could barely even swallow the things I was making yesterday!

So I suppose we could start with the stew...If I don't screw that up and accidentally blow up the city, then we can move on to steak and other fancy things like that."


scarybarrellove February 6 2008, 06:40:17 UTC
"Whatever you say, toots," Dracomon said almost boredly as he looked around the living room. "I'm an intimidating presence. It's only natural to back down."

Ashton didn't hear his digimon, and it was probably for the best that he didn't. "Great! If you can start chopping some carrots and cubing some potatoes, I'll start on the meat. That'll be the hard part for now, as it takes the longest time to cook and it needs to be browned first. I'll have you brown some meat after I do, and that will go into the stew itself," he said, smiling. "Stew takes a while to cook, so we'll only have time for one batch, but I'll oversee you to make sure it's good. It's easy, just time consuming."

He headed to the kitchen and immediately began harvesting ingredients from the fridge, as well as grabbing cooking utensils that they would need. "If you need any instruction on the basics, don't be afraid to ask," he told her. "I'll handle measuring the ingredients for this. Plus, after I show you how to brown the beef, we can have some steak for lunch."


x_royalflame February 6 2008, 17:30:51 UTC
"Toots? Wow, aren't you disrespectful, but in all seriousness, fighting you wouldn't be worth my time. When you have a crazy warrior princess as your tamer like Azula, you tend to train a lot," the fox stated, examining her nails ( ... )


scarybarrellove February 6 2008, 22:45:05 UTC
"Disrespectful? I gotta be me!" Dracomon told Renamon proudly. "Besides, Ashton's no slouch either ( ... )


x_royalflame February 7 2008, 03:35:53 UTC
"So? You should show some manners in the presence of a lady," Renamon smirked, standing up gracefully. She purposely imitated Azula's usual overly confident stride, lightly swinging her hips as she walked into the kitchen, "Don't mind me, I'm just thirsty," She said, going into the fridge to retrieve a bottle of water. She returned to her spot on the couch.

"I like my potatoes, " She protested as she focused on him and how he was cooking, "They're...unique!"

Once his steaks were done, she took a deep breath and looked up at him for a moment. He really was confident in her. Why she wasn't confident in herself was beyond her. She picked up a pan and plopped the steaks in it. Ignoring the stove in front of her, she held her other hand beneath the pan, igniting a small blue flame in it to start cooking the meat.


scarybarrellove February 7 2008, 03:47:15 UTC
"Manners are overrated," Dracomon said almost boredly. "Me, I just like to make my own impression. I may be rude, but nobody'll forget meeting me!"

"Nobody said they were bad," Ashton told her, smiling warmly. "They'll do just fine, I know it. I merely offered so that in the future, you can do it faster."

Ashton took aside his steaks so that he could season them some more as he watched Azula cook. He'd finish cooking them after her, for now he had shown her exactly what she needed to do. She could handle this part, he was sure. "Remember what I said on the comm, cooking is about repetition. You're going to be paying a lot of attention to these steaks, and turning them to cook evenly as they start to brown. I'll tell you if you start to overcook them, but don't worry about that. You'll do fine," he told her, then he smiled. "And I like the flames. It'll add a personal touch to it."


x_royalflame February 7 2008, 04:19:19 UTC
"No one will forget meeting me either, but that's mostly because I'll kick their ass if they rub me the wrong way," She said, taking a long drink of water.

If either of her hands were free, Azula would have smacked herself. Why hadn't she thought of that before...? That must have been why she wasn't getting it, it wasn't clicking.

"Repetition....Just like firebending..." Azula murmured to herself as she concentrated on the flame, breathing with it. "I just feel more comfortable doing it this way. I tried using the stove just felt weird. "


scarybarrellove February 7 2008, 04:41:02 UTC
"Now who's got bad manners?" Dracomon asked impishly, grabbing a spot of floor to sit on. "Still, you seem to get along pretty well with Azula. How long have you two been together?"

"This stove heated up a lot quicker than the ones I'm used to," Ashton said, nodding in agreement. "Unfamiliarity with a tool never helps. And that technique of yours must be useful too! You can probably get the heat right where it needs it most. Most of the time, the pan will do all of the work, but sometimes if you need to pay specific attention to one part of the meat, direct application of flame can help. Don't keep it too long, though, we don't want these too cook all the way through."

While she was putting the finishing touches on her steaks, Ashton was putting the finishing touches of seasoning on his own. "You're almost done. Once it looks ready, just put it on a plate. You're almost done with the hard part. The next part's easy."


x_royalflame February 7 2008, 14:17:53 UTC
"For a few months...And we didn't get along so well before...I guess it was because we're so similar." Renamon replied, swishing the water in her bottle around so it would create a small whirlpool.

With a smirk she flipped the steaks. They actually looked edible. She didn't know about the taste though. Looking good was still an improvement. When she guessed they were done, she set them out on a plate, like she was told.

"Here, I hope they're done enough..."


scarybarrellove February 7 2008, 22:54:52 UTC
"A couple'a months, huh? Well, me and Ashton have only been at this for about two, three weeks now. He's still getting used to this place. We're nothing alike, though. I'm wondering if maybe I wasn't supposed to meet those dragons of his instead of him!" Dracomon said, starting to sound a little bored and giving Renamon another curious look.

Ashton smiled and looked at Azula's handiwork on the plate. "Let's see now, only one way to find out," he commented, poking the steaks with a fork experimentally. "Not bad! This should do nicely! Okay, now I want you to prepare a pot with five cups of water. I'll measure out the seasonings the stew will need, and when we're both done, I'll show you what's going in, and how much of it I'm using. And after THAT, I'll finish cooking our lunch ( ... )


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