
Feb 04, 2008 19:10

Who: Ryo, Kou, Molly later
What: Going home with complimentary nomnom
When: After ze battle, backdated for my insanity
Where: Tetha - lightpost to Kou and everyone's apartment


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3point14napple February 4 2008, 06:47:16 UTC
Koushirou was a little worried as to the location of his boyfriend having not seen him during the aftermath of the battle. He'd searched around but couldn't catch sight of the tall brunette. Sighing and giving up he decided to head back to Tetha. He'd be able to find Ryo there, either at the lightpost or back at the apartment...and if not...then he'd freak out ( ... )


legendarytamer February 4 2008, 07:03:48 UTC
Ryo frowned at Kou's limping, but didn't have time to mention it before A) Kou said he'd go to the hospital for it in a few days and B) he was hugged. Hugging him back, he smiled. "I know! Way more fun than the rodeo, if a bit more chaotic. And that last bit, with the Italian guy, and Sokka's shitty singing..."

Actually, he'd rather not remember that part. "And your digi-soul! That was amazing! And thanks," he added as an afterthought, considering he hadn't said it at the time.


3point14napple February 4 2008, 07:29:17 UTC
"Please...don't remind me..." Kou drawled at the mention of his swordmasters singing.

"Wait...digisoul?" He'd heard of it and seen Daisuke use it..."Was that what that purple light was?" He had to admit he'd been a little jealous that Takeru and Daisuke had mastered it before he had...then again they were a lot more emotional and passionate than he was.


legendarytamer February 4 2008, 07:39:25 UTC
Ryo smirked in reply and nodded. Well, it was a little reassuring to know there were worse singers than Kenta out there.

"Unless you've developed superpowers since the end of Adventure 02 and forgotten to mention it, then probably," he went on, not quite managing to keep the frown off his face. Usually he got to give most new digital fighting techniques a trial run before the kids did, but this time, all three goggleheads he knew got there first.

Well, maybe he could pass off his frown as a pout at Kou's not mentioning his superpowers?


3point14napple February 4 2008, 07:50:24 UTC
"Last I checked, no...though there was that week I could firebend..."

Even then though, that light was deffinately NOT firebending.

"Only problem is...I have no idea how I did it. But the important thing is that it killed that Dokugumon and that you're OK."


legendarytamer February 4 2008, 08:04:51 UTC
...It was probably better not to ask about the firebending. Instead, Ryo merely flashed Kou a smile. "Yup; unlike you I'm surprisingly scratch-free."

He considered himself lucky he hadn't pulled any muscles, using a new whip after a month or so without practice and with only a quick warm-up.


3point14napple February 4 2008, 08:07:32 UTC
Kou just stared at Ryo for a second in shock.

"How is it that you get off scott free yet I always get injured some way or other?"


legendarytamer February 4 2008, 08:11:22 UTC
Good question. Ryo shrugged helplessly. "I have really good dumb luck? I'm more careful without my D-Arc on me? This digital world secretly hates you?"


3point14napple February 4 2008, 23:07:48 UTC
Ryo had totally set himself up for it.

"It has to be one of the first 2, can't be the last one...I mean, I met you, right? This world can't hate me!"

...yep, load on the cheese.


legendarytamer February 6 2008, 05:16:24 UTC
The funny thing was, Ryo hadn't intended anything of the sort, and it showed in his faint blush. "You sound like a bad pickup line."

Despite his words, an embarrassed smile followed the blush onto his face.


3point14napple February 6 2008, 05:26:47 UTC
"...Sorry..." he replied, looking away, flushed a bright crimson himself.

He walked for a few moments longer before gulping and glancing up at the taller boy.



legendarytamer February 6 2008, 06:04:22 UTC
Inwardly, Ryo cringed. Obviously that had come out a little more harshly than he'd intended...

Kou managed to derail his Trailmon of thought, and he blinked. "Yeah?"


3point14napple February 6 2008, 07:07:26 UTC

For once in his life he had no idea how to put his thoughts into words...in fact he'd completely forgotten what he was going to say...but as he looked at Ryo's face...oh god.

He couldn't help it. He grabbed Ryo, dragged him down to his height, and kissed him.


legendarytamer February 6 2008, 07:31:56 UTC
Later Ryo would look back on this conversation and wonder how he hadn't seen this coming. For now, he froze, having a bit of a mental flail before realizing - uh, hello, he should probably kiss him back - and doing so.


3point14napple February 6 2008, 07:51:06 UTC
Kou reached around to the back of Ryo's neck, pulling him in closer and allowing him to deepen the kiss. It was weird being the innitiator...with him and Terra she'd always started everything...but considering Ryo was a sub he was pretty sure he was going to make most of the moves...which scared him a little.

He let out a small moan of content...before reality set in and he realised they were still in the middle of the street. Kou quicky broke the kiss, his face matching the colour of his hair.



legendarytamer February 6 2008, 08:24:18 UTC
Ryo wasn't a bad kisser, he just needed a little push. That, you know, wasn't in the form of someone wolf-whistling at them. The kiss broken, he glanced at Kou, who was blushing hard, and decided he wasn't a safe option to look at for the moment.

Instead, his eyes found Sokka, who was grinning and waving. Obviously the culprit of the whistle. Shaking his head in disbelief, Ryo cracked his whip at him before turning back to his boyfriend.

"No, um, don't be sorry," he babbled. "Let's just..." Ryo struggled for a moment to articulate a full sentence. "We have an apartment. We have an apartment, and we're in the middle of the road. Being wolf-whistled at by Sokka."

The sentences, Ryo was not so good at.


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