(no subject)

Feb 03, 2008 21:21

Who: Zuko and Azula [[CLOSED]]
What: Azula's new Guinea Pig...
When: FEB 3 4:08 PM
Where: Tetha; S/A's Apartment

With a reluctant sigh, Zuko knocked on the door.  He heard a few pots and pans bang against the floor as well as a loud "AIYAHHH!"  He rubbed his temples, wondering what the hell his baby sister was up to in there.

"RENAMON, CAN YOU GET THAT?"  He heard her scream, a few seconds later, Renamon opened the door, letting Zuko and Agumon in.

"Great, now she can shove that shit down all our throats," Renamon scoffed, closing the door behind the pair.  Agumon smiled, thrilled at the idea of getting free food.  Renamon went back to her spot on the couch, crossing her legs and leaning back, looking awfully relaxed for the situation at hand.

"I take it I should just follow the sounds of clanging pots and breaking dishes...?" Zuko asked Renamon, she nodded.  Agumon left Zuko's side to join Renamon on the couch.

"Nice place," said Agumon.

"It'd be nicer if Sokka and his messiness didn't live here too," Renamon complained.

"Hey Zuko, "Azula greeted her brother, pulling what Zuko imagined to be some sort of cookie, out of the oven.

"I wish I had a fucking camera right now, you look ridiculous," Zuko snickered.  She did, he wasn't lying.  She was covered nearly head to toe in flour, she had some sort of dough dried in her hair which was causing it to stick up in ways it shouldn't.  Makeup was running down her face from crying while chopping up onions, her apron was tied crooked and she had some sort of sauce splattered on her face too.

"Shut up and eat this," Azula demanded, popping a cookie off of the sheet with a spatula and holding it up to Zuko.

"It'll be too hot, moron, you have to let them cool off for a while..." Zuko muttered, refusing to take the cookie.  Azula set it back on the cookie sheet.  She picked up a small bowl that was filled with her attempt at mashed potatoes.  She figured they'd be easy and hard to screw up.

"Then try this," She said, holding up a hearty spoonful of the fluffy white potatoes.  Zuko took it and stuck it in his mouth.  They weren't...horrible...But they were kinda bland and dry...

"Well...Pretty good for your first attempt..." Zuko tried to compliment her.  She growled, almost throwing the dish on the floor.

"This was my fourth attempt!" She exclaimed, "RENAMON, AGUMON GET YOUR DIGITAL ASSES IN HERE, NOW!" Azula screamed.  In a heartbeat Agumon was in the kitchen, Renamon dragging her feet behind him, "Here, have some potatoes, " She said, handing the bowl to Agumon.  He ate quite a bit of them before he looked up at Azula to compliment her.

"These are good!"

"Gimme that, " Renamon demanded, grabbing the bowl from Agumon.  She tasted them and tried to swallow, "Here, you can have the rest."  She handed the bowl back to Agumon.

Azula turned around and started cutting at two black circle things that sat on a plate.  They used to be steaks.

"Here, try this then," Azula sighed, holding a piece on a fork up to her brother's mouth.  He took it from her and the second the...well...what used to be meat, touched his tongue he spit it out all over Azula.  She wiped it from her face, growling again.

"You know how I said you could do anything you put your mind to...?" Zuko asked softly.


"I'm going to take that back now."

"...I'm a master firebender, I can murder people by the dozen, manipulate them as I see fit, I can sing pretty good...But I can't FUCKING COOK!"  She screamed, throwing the dish on the floor, shattering it.  Agumon handed the empty bowl of potatoes to Renamon and dived at the pieces of meat, gobbling them up.

"Also very good, miss Azula!" He exclaimed with a mouthful.

Azula bent over and started picking up the shards of the dish.  In her anger, she sliced open yet another finger, her right middle.   She shoved it in her mouth, licking the blood from it.  At this point, her left ring finger was the only one spared from the torture.

"At least someone likes it...." She mumbled to herself, grabbing a paper towel to wrap around her finger to stop the bleeding.

"Yeah...but Agumon will eat anything..." Zuko said.

Convinced that her cookies had enough time to cool off, Azula took three of them off of the plate and handed one to each of them.

"One...Two...Three..." Zuko and Renamon said together as they each took bites of the cookies.  By the time they were gagging on them, Agumon was asking for another.

"What kind of cookies are these?" He asked her happily as she handed the digimon another one.

"Chocolate chip," Azula replied.

"Don't quit your day job, princess," Renamon said, handing what was left of her cookie to Agumon and heading off to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"But I don't have-"

"Azula...Please tell me you have a back up plan," Zuko murmured, placing his hand on his sister's shoulder.  She sighed, motioning to the loaf of bread on the counter.

"I think I can manage to put a sandwich together..."

"Piece of bread, butter, meat, mayo, cheese, piece of bread," Zuko listed off for her, to clarify they were talking about the same edible object.

"I'm not that stupid," She retorted, punching Zuko's shoulder pretty hard.  She took the cookies off the sheet and put them in a bag for Agumon, "Here, you can have the rest of them, since you seem to like them so much..."

"Thank you!" Agumon said politely, taking the bag from her.  She patted his head lightly.

"You two should go now...probably head for the hospital...Before Sokka's shift is over..."  Azula said, pushing her brother out of the kitchen and towards the door.

"Azula, it wasn't that bad, " Zuko lied, "Okay, it was, but its not going to warrant a trip to the hospital..."

"Just go do...whatever the fuck it is you do..."  She opened the door for them to usher them out.

"...Are you going to be alright, 'Zula?" Zuko asked as they stepped through the door.

"I'll be fine," She replied.

"You'll figure something out, " Zuko smiled, hugging her and placing a soft kiss on her cheek before leaving.  Azula closed the door behind them.

"Agni, I hope so..."
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