(no subject)

Jul 27, 2009 19:09

Who: Angel, wormmon later [Open to all in Tetha]
What: After a night out, Angel faints from bloodloss
When: July 27th, 2009, Evening
Where: Surrounding areas, thenTetha

((OOC: No one saw Angel commit the murder.))

The day had began to bore Angel into a zombie like state. He sat in his room quietly, lighting up smoke after smoke. Nothing could get the thoughts off his mind, the excitment of killing nor the blood. He knew he was losing his cool, he was going to break any moment and kill everyone in sight. Angel closed his blue eyes for a moment while taking a large hit from his cig.

"I have to get out of here..." He growled, tossing down his D-Comm after deleting the private message he had just shared with Shichiyou, a very mysterious man that worked for Hao. Angel had become even more antsy by just from the mere thought of bloodshed. Letting his arms dangle, Angel began to laugh a sick and twisted laugh. Wormmon woke up to this noise, and quickly retreated under the bed.

"What's a matter little guy... Are you scared of me?" Angel snarled and followed it with more bursts of laughter.

"M-master p-please stop..." Wormmon sputtered from under Angel's bed. "I-I don't like it when you look at me that way..."

Angel's eyes had seemed to become hollow and dead as a small smile twisted the corners of his lips. "Come'er little guy... I won't kill you right away..." Another eruption of laughter. Finally after a few more seconds of taunts, the crazed man decided to leave the Hotel.

"N-no! Master, do NOT!" Wormmon squeaked, grabbing onto his master's pant leg.

"What... Oh, it's you wormmon." Angel seemed to snap back to normal for a moment, his sapphire eyes once again showing the glow of life.

"Master, you had me worried. You did that thing again..." Wormmon whispered.

"... You pledged your loyalty to me, Wormmon... WHY have you still not shown me this!" Angel hissed before flinging the digimon back onto the couch. "You can stay here if you don't know what loyalty is." Angel finished, slamming his door behind him. Wormmon stayed where he master flung him, and thought about what he did.

As Angel stormed out of the Hotel, the evening air smelt fresh to his lungs. He traveled behind the hotel before climbing up into a tree and allowing himself to travel by jumping. The only thing on Angel's mind right now was death, a murder. Someone, it no longer mattered who just someone dying. If he didn't do it soon, he wouldn't be able to control it.

After 15 minutes of tree top travel, Angel noticed some men and a few women near the outskirts of Tetha. It only seemed that one of the carried a digimon with them. Licking his lips silently, Angel crouched for the attack and let himself spring from the tree. He landed right on one of the men, and began tearing him apart from the middle with his hand claws. Angel burst out in laughter as the blood splattered all over the place. The two women began to scream as the men and the digimon began to attack Angel. Without warning, Angel slashed behind himself, catching one of the men by the arm and allowing this as an anchor to throw himself up and over the group. When Angel landed, he was infront of the two screaming women.

"Hello... Laddies." Angel smiled and slashed out at the both of them. He missed one, but killed the other one with a quick strike to the neck. The one he missed fell to the ground and grabbed his leg, biting him rather hard. "Bitch!" He screamed, piercing her through the back and into the ground. As he removed his claw, she soon drowned from her own blood. During this stall in Angel's attack, the men managed to jab a spear into his shoulder. Angel looked down at the spear and gave a sigh.

"That's all you can do...?" He spoke, tilting his head slightly. The digimon that was with the group was no longer in Angel's sight, and this wasn't a good sign. At the moment he realized the digimon was missing, it was too late. The Koemon had taken the time to evolve into Apemon, and had now tackled Angel to the ground. The large beast had started to beat on Angel's back.

Angel began to twist as quickly as he could, and slashed at the Apemon's leg. Success, Angel had landed a hit, causing the monkey to let go for just long enough to let Angel escape. Slashing towards the man Angel assumed was the tamer, he cut the man in half with a swift move before clipping his claws to his side and pulling out his katana. As the man's upper half dropped from the lower, the digimon gave a howl of anger. Angel had killed the right man, and now the beast wanted to kill him even more.

Holding his sword directly infront of him, the digimon had run right into it and spearing himself. The digimon did not die quickly, but continued to strugle from the ground as Angel killed the last man. Leaving the digimon half alive, Angel climbed back up into the trees and left the scene.

He removed his shirt along the way, it was now stained with blood and the smell of death. Angel disguarded it in the woods, and continued on his way back. He only stopped a few times to wash his body, wounds, and weapons from the blood. As he came back into Tetha, his head began to spin.

The Funbari Onsen seemed so far now, but he continued on. He was sure it seemed strange to be walking around in the middle of the night without a shirt on. But Angel paid no mind, he had one goal, and that was to get home. Finally reaching the Funbari, Angel reached into his pocket for his D-Comm only to realize it was not there. Suddenly, he snapped back to reality.

The world was rushing around him, and lights flashed everywhere. He had kicked wormmon before leaving, leaving to go kill... Angel continued to walk, the door was only a few more steps... His ears began to ring loudly and something tickled his arm. There was blood, fresh blood running down his shoulder and dripping from his fingertips. The noise of the city became fuzzy as the lights began to fade.

Angel blacked out.

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