Who: Len, Rin, Haku, Sarasim, maybe Sabine, and partners.
What: Rin and Len are going insane! Sorta.
When: Backdated 7th, morning.
Where: Neon City streets.
Monsters! Everyone there was monsters! But why?! He was in a city! He was free!
But all he found were monsters, everywhere he turned. And these clothes? What were these clothes? They were so pristine and clean and like REAL pajamas. There were no scars on his arms or hands either.
He eventually had to stop, leaning against a building side on a deserted street, panting to catch his breathe. Something was wrong here and he didn't know why it was.
He was almost afraid...afraid he was dead and this was Hell. That would be the irony. Finally have some hope, something to let him smile in the form of a girl and paper planes...
And he'd end up dead, in Hell to forever run from monsters?
What had he done, to deserve this sort of punishment? "I didn't even get her name..."
He didn't even know around the corner was his own 'monster' watching him intently. "It seems the specimen has finally winded himself. I wonder what he'll do now, that he thinks he has time to think?" The scientist Digimon murmured aloud.