(no subject)

Apr 07, 2009 17:14

Who: Len, Lorne, partners.
What: Len finally couldn't explain something.
When: Backdated to April 4th
Where: Lorne's bar/hotel

Len had decided to go to this hotel that Lorne guy had mentioned when he couldn't find his own. Agumon Hakase it wouldn't take that long to get too. He hadn't explained how, just leading Len along.

He thought the dinosaur thing met in town! But now, he was taken to a terminal. Where the trains...talked. And definitely did not look like trains. It was then Len noticed it. Everywhere they walked...there they were. Things like Agumon Hakase. There WEREN'T humans around. At all, from what he's seen so far.

After that, he was a bit on autopilot, getting dragged on a train. The trip really hadn't been all that long, or maybe it was just his daze and then he was in another city. With more of those creatures. Something just WASN'T right here. Where were the people? He saw a few more humans around the city, but Agumon Hakase dragged him away before he could talk to him, talking about how he hated dawdling.

"Here it is," Agumon Hakase said, pointing to the hotel.

Len stared at it, looking up and up and up...

And accessed the GPS installed. Where, where, where was he? But all he got...static. No access to the satelite. But that wasn't possible! It just...it wasn't! It went around the world. None of this was making sense. Trains talking. So few humans. And he couldn't even find Rin no matter how much he looked yesterday. Why...?!

And then he heard something that did make sense, head snapping down. Music. Singing. Amateur level, but that was okay. He walked into the hotel, looking around for where he heard the faint sound of singing, heading for an entrance labeled bar. Not like that would stop him. He went into bars enough to not care about appearances of a kid in a bar. He just wanted something that DEFINITELY made sense.

And there it was. A karoke stage. He let out a sigh of relief. Yes, singing, that would help.

Agumon Hakase followed Len, looking slightly annoyed. Which showed how much he was really annoyed. He didn't like showing emotions, but his tamer really was being far too irrational and high strung!

character: eatatjoesaura, character: vocaloid02_5, location: neon city

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