Who: Jack Sparrow and ????
What: Dirt. Lots of it.
When: Feb 4, Night
Where: Axoryi Port, Black Pearl
Jack was taking no chances that night, and thus, everyone else had been vacated off the premesis in an attempt to preserve his sanity from Jones. Thus being said, Jack had spent time filling up large bottles of dirt, and covering the deck of it with a semi-glazed maniacal expression on his face.
"I've got a pile of dirt, and guess what's inside it," he chanted silently.
"Of course you realize that this is mostly all in your head," chimed in a voice to his side as one of Jack's usual psychosis' had manifested itself in a way only Jack could see.
"Go away," replied Jack eloquently, only to turn and shake more dirt out of the jar.
"If I remember correctly, and we never forget; Jones would DEARLY come no matter what sort of dirt we have on the ship," added another, leaning causally.
"And this time," chimed a third, "we can't stab the heart to get out of this messy problem."
"Gentlemen, we are at a quandary, of lost time and speed," argued the first.
"We can't get time or speed, cause the barmy git decided to shovel dirt everywhere!" proclaimed the second.
"I don't have time for this weirdness," declared Jack as he bustled over to fetch another jar. There was still a corner missing.