Who: Hay Lin, Yan Lin, Partners
What: A talk between family
When: January 26th, afternoon
Where: Silver Dragon Apartments - Tetha
It had nearly been a year since she had seen her granddaughter, as well as Caleb and Matt - and even shorter time for many of the others - and Yan Lin could tell that things had greatly changed.
For the better? For the worst?
That's what she wanted to know. Watching as Hay Lin prepared to march out of the Inns in search of someone (and the fact that the only ones willing to stop her were the Guardians) and learning about Irma's outburst, she decided to finally find out what was going on.
And so, she and Hawkmon waited.
"Y'know, ma'am, I'm sure she'll hide stuff from you." Hawkmon said.
"I know she will. But, after what I saw and heard, I'll find out one way or another." Yan Lin said.