(no subject)

Oct 12, 2008 03:07

Who: Yuma, Katherine, Leormon, ?????????
What: Welcoming Yuma to the digital world.
When: October 12th, Before Sunrise
Where: D'Ango forest

Kat was flying above D'Ango Forest with Leormon flying close behind her. With the sun still down, she had a light spell active to aid her in her search. Plus, it would make her more visible.

The journal entries and discussions that she'd seen, that Yuma HADN'T seen concerned her. Without knowing the full story, she wouldn't be able to make a decision for certain, but she was already worried about what would happen to this girl. After the kind of experiences that she'd seen, all of the histories of heroes and villains from her world, the last thing that she wanted to see happen was for this girl to be treated like a criminal when the universe had seen fit to grant her a second chance. That kind of thing had led to more than one rehabilitated villain returning to a life of crime on her world, and the results were never pretty.

Sister Psyche's continued rehabilitation and personal dedication to the one-time villain Malaise was proof that things didn't have to happen that way. She'd been fighting for Wasp for that reason, and if she had to, she'd fight for this young woman as well.

Yuma's signal was clearly visible on her D-Comm, and she'd been steadily magnifying the map as she grew closer to it. Now, under the closest magnification, Kat was within a mile of her goal. She subtley shifted from one flight spell to another and slowed her travel, and Leormon slowed down beside her.

"She's nearby, ma'am?" Leormon asked.

Kat nodded in confirmation. "Right," she said. "I hope she's got a fire going, or at least a blanket. It's chilly out. Come, Leormon. Time to drop below the tree line."

"Yes ma'am," Leormon said, and together the descended slowly through the folliage.

"Hello? Yuma?" Kat called out, intensifying her light spell slightly so that that glowing sphere above her head would be more visible. "It's Katherine! I'm here!"

character: masterandhound, character: themonstergirl, character: better_than_him, character: fighterslegacy, character: fightersblood, character: scrapperzen

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