(no subject)

Jul 09, 2008 22:20

Who: Slayers + Partners, Mokona, Kurogane, NPCs
What: Because hunting down a Digimental of PURITY is so right up Lina's alley. Totally.
When: July 9th, 2008
Where: Putrid Ruins

When bored, just watch Lina and her group. That was always entertaining, in the end.

And thus, that was just what he had been doing. Unable to really come up with an appropriate response, yet, to what Kurata would find as a "thoughtful" gift, Xellos and Candmon presently stood upon the branch of a high-rising tree, which overlooked a swamp in the Putrid Ruins. There was enough cover from where they stood to obstruct their presence from an eye that wasn't looking for them, but gave them a clear enough view, anyhow of the events unfolding below.

Smack dab in the middle of the swamp was a set of ruins. Somehow, givent he Area's name, Xellos suspected there were a lot of similar such sights scattered throughout. These particular ruins were... well. Ruined. They were decaying, falling apart, and ... well.

Someone would have to be crazy to set foot in them, as they'd very likely be running the risk of the ceiling falling in on their heads.

Lucky for Xellos, he didn't have to worry about that stopping these people.

"I really should have brought something to snack on," he mused, feeling slightly disappointed.

Candmon looked about ready to gag. "Please don't talk about food..."
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