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no_more_color October 15 2005, 11:15:14 UTC

... )


divawithsparkle October 15 2005, 11:32:54 UTC
sure-- hello-- fellow journey-er :)

I've seen your name many times, we have LOTS of the same friends, faeriegirl, bodpod(?) and others
(if you check my edit info page, you will recognize some I think)-- I also think we tend to trace names back through the LJ that we find intriguing (as I do yours).

finally I found a name in a meme at Cosmo's, that I didn't recognize-- or know from seeing before, even once--seraphsarah? and I followed it (by clicking) to her (and then you again)-- I believe basically, we owe it all to buffy and the love of BTVS :)

Sadly, I don't have time to talk to anyone on msn right now, but I enjoy your posts, and look forward to exchanging thoughts with you through entries and comments. That would be lovely! WELCOME :) --I truly understand. -- msn is a busy and odd thing -- sometimes I have time, and am at the computer (depending on what work and typing I am doing, (ex. manuals or updates) and could use the break. (other times, I simply can't) so I understand all too well ( ... )


emilyboo75 October 15 2005, 16:49:01 UTC
Well T, you're just so darn entertaining, and that explains it all. Anywho, Diva here (I have no clue of her real name! I think she's my only f-list person whose name I don't know,) also somehow found my journal and befriended me some time back. I believe we owe it all to Faerie, even if in a roundabout way. (Diva, SeraphSarah is also someone many on Faerie's list know, but not through BTVS... many of us know each other as fans of Amber Tamblyn.)


divawithsparkle October 17 2005, 07:23:00 UTC
that is so funny- I watched "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" today on turner classics (it having been a huge fun movie for me in my childhood -- and my mother knew it was "childsafe". I was also a fan of her father, Russ Tamblyn. (Gideon in that movie-- I was only about pre-school, when I first saw it on reruns -- I was all taken with her dad, Russ. Now I'm older and more "Wow-- Jeff Richards ( ... )


bodpod October 19 2005, 21:15:30 UTC
"I traced you through the barge, and bodpod -- she introduced us and told us to be friends, (I think because of our Christianity)..."

Actually, I just thought you were both really nice people who would like each other, but having something in common is always a plus. *s*


divawithsparkle March 11 2006, 15:42:41 UTC
it's one of the many ways you bless us :) (old post, but a looked over response) You underestimate yourself, Bodpod, and how much you mean to us, still. {{hugs}} you.


PS divawithsparkle November 11 2005, 05:12:32 UTC
my name is Renee :) (although because our last name on the net is unusual, I usually just write R. on the public forums (because our family is dangerously easy to find) and I learned that the hard way (but I trust you in knowing, and think it was sweet of you to ask-- the only people I've given out address to are bodpod and cosmo-- but generally just sign personal posts with my first initial (but please don't be offended-- It really was nice of you to ask {{hugs}}


Re: PS emilyboo75 November 11 2005, 16:04:45 UTC
Don't worry, I'm not offended in the least. My last name isn't common either and I have only given it and my address to a select few of my online friends.

Re: the Barge... never been there. I met bodpod at the Magic Box. Do you post there? I post very occasionally as EmilyBoo (some variation of which is my screen name almost everywhere. :P )


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