Holy cow...where did my night go??

Jun 24, 2010 23:37

So I felt bad about the fact that I have all of these great LJ icons saved to my computer that I can't use. Why can't I use them? Because I saved them without keeping tabs of who created them :/ I may be more of a LJ lurker than anything, but even I know that it's highly uncouth to use somebody's icon without giving them credit.

Henceforth, I have spent my entire evening trying to catalog and re-discover the nearly 300 icons on my computer. Given that over half that number are West Wing related, I decided to tackle those first. I started this process around 6 pm...it's now 11:30! Where did the last 5 1/2 hours go?? Ah well...as long as I'm up, I might as well watch the Bradley Whitford interview on Travis Smiley at midnight.

Really not much point to this entry, but I figure it's a step in trying to get myself more immersed in the LJ community.


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